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Everything posted by Cyphas_Cain

  1. First off: just DL'd and tested your mod. Great work on the models, They look awesome in-game. Secondly: Personally the drills are a bit big for my designs but i can work around that. Thought it would be nice for some different sizes. Keep up the good work.
  2. Can we get more info? Velocity, dist from planetary body, inclination, maybe a pic for review? I thought along the same lines at first, but i found out it depends on a few things as to how frequent the tone is. Velocity, dist from the planetary body ur scanning, inclination etc. Here's my setup with Mechjeb for info. the basics: - Orbit: 245 000 km - Inclination: 88 degrees - Velocity: 300 to 400 ms - 1 med scanner & 4 sml scanners (basically can scan the surface no matter its orientation) My scanner is based on the concept of self sustaining vessel without need for continual watching. Others may have a better, more effective setup than me. Cyphas_Cain
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