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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Bad news, got my new computer all set up; and I still get that same error in v1.3.10
  2. Well, my computers hard-drive has crashed, I've got all my important stuff backed up; but it will be a bit before I'm able to put in a new drive and get everything up and running. SO I won't be able to help track down this bug for a while, and who knows, I might not be able to recreate it on the repaired system. At the moment, using an old computer that would explode if it even saw KSP
  3. looks sweet; going to try it out when I have the time.
  4. Just noticed on someones pictures from Duna, the suns color is wrong through the colored atmosphere. (scientifically speaking) If the suns color output is close to white, like our sun, the color when looking through a red atmosphere should be blue. We see this on Mars, Here is a picture taken from one of the rovers http://bestinterestingfacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/sun-from-mars.jpg Although if the suns output is yellow (it kinda looks yellow from space), it should appear green. This is because the sky's color is determined by the average particle size in the atmosphere. Light that is the same wavelength as these particles, gets bounced everywhere in the atmosphere, causing everywhere to look that color (i.e. on earth blue, on mars red, ect...). Since this light is essentially removed from the sun, because it gets distributed throughout the atmosphere, we color we see the sun being is it's original color minus the color of the sky. This can be figured out by using the additive color system (which applies to light, the subtractive color system applies to dyes, paints, etc...), you take the sun's output color, and remove the color of the atmosphere; and that gives the color that it appears.
  5. This didn't fix it, and the error occurs when starting up the program, not while using it. The only odd thing I can think of is that my computer has a DPI scaling of 125%, because the screen is 1080p HD (and rather small physically) and this setting makes things the 'normal' size on screen, it was set up that way be default by the manufacturer. Although, that's not all that unusual for newer computers; it has caused me some issues with some programs created before ~2005-ish, but nothing modern Odd that the 1.3.6 works fine, and the new version has the issue.....
  6. I changed it, but it doesn't seem to fix the issue; still getting the same error. Here is a link to the unchanged file, Let me know if you need any more information or anything. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw0mZ7xbhLBEbzBVZFg4TlVKbFE/edit?usp=sharing Love, the mod; for the moment I'll keep using the one that works. Hope it gets fixed soon, but I understand that you're probably busy.
  7. well, I think it would be interesting. I know there are currently some missions planned that will send a rover to mars or some local asteroids; and they plan to launch some samples back to earth orbit where they can be recovered and studied. This is a big deal, because while you can send lab equipment to a place on a rover, it's out of date when it get's there. And there are some pieces of equipment that simply can't fit on a rover, or are too fragile to. Having the samples here on earth makes studying them easier. We have a much better understanding of the moon, because of moon rocks that have been brought back to earth, then we ever got from probes and rovers.
  8. I'm thinking of a kerbal with a small solid rocket booster attached to his back! that would be hilarious I think suit upgrades would be interesting, maybe you could pick one when a kerbal goes on EVA?
  9. This worked fine for me with version 1.3.6; anything newer (upto 1.3.9) gives me the following error: "Unhandled exception ............. Value of '-1' is not valid for 'LargeChange' 'LargeChange' must be greater than or equal to 0.' I don't think I'm doing anything different, and 1.3.6 still works fine for me......
  10. I really like this mod; Nice to finally have some realistic SRB's. Can't wait for that update that gives you more control over the burn profile! I hope that you can figure out how to allow mechjeb to calculate the delta V, but if not oh well. Keep up the good work!
  11. As far as the heat mechanic goes, i'm having issues with small land-rover probes building up heat over time through solar panels and microwave receivers. None of the heat dissipators are really an appropriate size for super small rovers....
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