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  1. Same error message here. KSP Version
  2. Same problem here, but only with yaw. Roll and pitch are working fine. I was able to trace it down to the root part. I had a docking port on the underside of the shuttle for the connection to the main tank and it was assigned as root part. After i reassigned the shuttle cockpit as root part, mechjeb is working fine now.
  3. I can provide a screenshot of the bug. On Kerbin all is working as expected. On Minmus the panels produce full energy even at midnight. I didnt try on other celestial bodies so far. The panels turn in the direction of the sun (to the bottom) and light is even blocked by a tank below the solar panel that is used as the base structure. Screenshot:
  4. I don´t use any USB or Bluetooth devices at all. The monitor speakers as well as the HiFi-system (Video Receiver) are attached through HDMI/DP cables. So i dont have any chance to daisy chain or replug.
  5. Hi, i have multiple playback devices i use. Headphones, speakers in my monitor and a hifi-system. To change the playback device, i use a tool named SSD (SetSoundDevice) wich is doing nothing else as changing the preferred playback device. Most games can handle this and allow to change the output device while the game is running. But with KSP, i have to exit the game, change the device and restart the game each time i want to swap from speakers to headphones for instance. Would it be possible to change this behaviour in a future release ? Thx & greetz, ezfox
  6. But CKAN doesnt allow me to install it. Do you know any workaround ?
  7. Any plans to make this Mod available for KSP 1.1.2 ?
  8. Changed config.xml but it didnt fix the problem for me. Mentioned dlls are in KSP exec folder.
  9. After the KSP update and afbw mod update, the config window is (nearly) empty: Any idea how to fix ? Mods installed: greetz, ezfox
  10. Hi, if i change the default sound output device in Windows while KSP is running, the output device that the game is using stays the same until i exit and restart KSP. For many other programms and games this works fine concurrently, but not with KSP. I would be very happy, if there would be a workaround or a fix/change in a future release. With kind regards, Enrico
  11. Tried this out now and worked like a charm. Thank you very much for the explanation !
  12. Can you please describe how this works exactly ? I built an Apollo like mission with Command Module and Munar Lander. Wenn returning to the CM with the ML, i was not able to move the surface sample i had collected to the CM in order to bring it home (like with original Apollo landing, the ML was left behind and crashed on the Mun surface). Is it possible to move the samples from the ML to the CM ?
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