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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. What if they added wormholes to jump to different star systems?
  2. I think the science gained should be 100% no matter what kind of experiment and whether transmitted or returned to Kerbin. Crew reports are 100% returned or transmitted why not the others? The Apollo and other space missions in real life all transmissions were and are important, the most insignificant thing added to our understanding of humans traveling in space or enabling future manned and unmanned missions to be succesful. Instead of diminishing returns there could be a random percentage of failed transmission if the object is to reduce science gained. But if a transmission is succesful it should be 100%. Imagine if the MSL Curiosity could only send one transmission for each experiment? That would be considered a waste and no one in their right mind would back the expenditure for such a mission. The temperature recordings are ALL useful and it can drill and send results more than once. Magnetics, moister, CO2, and other gases, etc. etc., each and every transmission is useful. I think the way science is gained has to be rethought in order to make the game more realistic in terms of science gathering, the changes made in version .23 were a step back in my opinion. What is your opinion on this issue?
  3. Has anyone else found out how to increase the amount of science gained in version .23? I have found out how to do it and also increase science gained in Scansat. SQUAD has given the option if you look for it. the answer is below if you want it, if not, don't read it. DON'T read the rest of this if you don't want to know how to do it. look in GameData/SCANsat/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg and GameData/Squad/Resources/ScienceDefs.cfg
  4. I think this would be very useful for landings, since you can't tell speed and direction until your close to the ground.
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