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Check Six

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Everything posted by Check Six

  1. I received my Jebediah figure today, and found it covered with a very fine powder. I have read about this somewhere (I thought it was on this Forum, but I couldn't find it). The author of that statement said it was no problem. What I want to know is...has anyone else received their Jebediah in a similar condition, and how did you deal with it. I suppose just a blast of air from a compressor (mine is a small compressor for running an airbrush) or even a "can of air" for cleaning keyboards and such. Maybe if the worst comes to the worst, a brush. My problem is, I don't want to damage him. Has anyone successfully "cleaned" Jebediah, and if so, how? Oh, by the way...it arrived in good condition, and is a beautiful piece of engineering. I recommend it to any fans of KSP.
  2. Well, I only got this game last week, and I didn't know that the OP contained IP of anyone, let alone a forum member here, and that it had been used previously in the game. As I said, so much for trying to bring a bit of levity into the forum.
  3. Pardon me, I was attempting to pass on something that I considered humorous. I wasn't aware that a complete lack of humour in certain people would cause them to take offence. PS I never said it was my work, I even intimated that it may be the work of NASA. I don't know who XKCD is or that he plays KSP. If it is indeed his work, then I am sorry if it was out of place showing it to the forum members here.
  4. Post removed as it was someone else's IP. I apologise to everyone that I have offended and everyone whose IP I have stolen inadvertently. So much for a bit of fun. Check Six
  5. Thanks for the quick response chaps. Perhaps it wasn't clearly stated enough that the little box with an arrow indicating there was something on the bottom of the screen I could access by clicking that arrow. The box with the arrow IS there, but I can't utilise it for some reason. Anyway, if it comes down to running this game in a windowed mode all the time to enable me to click on that arrow and access the nav ball when I am in Map mode, it is not going to happen. I CAN use Num Pad period key, and that will suffice. I think you answered my question on whether or not to fire all my engines at once. Generally I will feed fuel from the outer tanks to the inner tanks so that my final stage is full (or almost full) when the last jettison occurs, however, if I have one engine that is not running, all the others will be carrying its dead weight. A good reply. Thanks again.
  6. As I am quite new to this game, I have many questions that require an answer. I do understand how the Forum search engine works, and I HAVE checked for the answer, but could find nothing. 1) I have seen many YouTube videos and Tutorials (yes, already! doing my homework), and after each and every flight, whether it achieves its mission objective (ie achieve orbit, land on Mun etc) a window pops up with the Flight Details. I have yet to see this, and have checked my settings for an unticked "Display Flight Details Window" or something similar, and have no idea why I do not receive this valuable information. At the moment, I'm writing them all down by hand and keeping records to try to achieve small steps in mission objectives. How do I get this window to appear? 2)In "asparagus staging", is it more efficient to fire up ALL of your engines initially, burning through fuel until your first stage empties and is jettisoned, then the second etc until you have achieved your orbit (or achieved weightlessness) or is it more efficient to fire up your (for example) four external tanks with their respective engines, leaving your central final stage intact until just before the last stage exhausts all its fuel, then initiate that stage by firing up the engine, and jettisoning the penultimate stage when it expires, then throttling back to sit back for the final stage of your journey? I have seen both methods used. I guess, whilst there is no "career mode" (yet!) and we don't have to pay for fuel, it is a moot point, but perhaps it might enter into calculations when attempting to transit to the outer planets of the Kerbal System. 3) My Nav Ball is inaccessible from the Map screen. A tutorial vid showed that I need to click on the arrow, but there is no point on there where I can click to expose it. I know that I can toggle it on or off with the Num Pad period key, but I just would like to know why I can't just "grab" it. I think it might be that I am running in full screen mode. Up the top right of my screen is a dull red glow, and when I "cursor over" it, it says "close" or nearby it says "minimise" so I guess that the three buttons that normally appear on each screen (close, minimise, maximise) are hiding just off screen. Should I just go with a windowed screen (for such a beautiful game game, it seems a shame) or leave it as is and live with the Num Pad period Nav Ball? 4) I haven't yet tried to use a joystick in this game (I have seen threads where it is mentioned how to set up your joystick) despite the fact I first tried terrestrial (err...Kerbal) flight in an airplane and successfully took off and landed back at the Space Centre using WASD. Are they easier to use for finer movements? I have seen some people stressing out badly whilst trying to dock. It seems as if it might be easier with a joystick if you could adjust your deadspots. I have purchased the full version of the game from Steam, and downloaded it from there if that helps you to understand why these things are a mystery to me. I have many, many more questions, but I tend to go on a bit (as you might have realised) trying to explain EXACTLY what I need/want. I will ask those questions in due time. Thanks in advance for any that assist by answering any of the above questions. Check Six
  7. Thanks again for the warm welcome and much needed advice. I will indeed practice all the manoeuvres required to eventually lead to interplanetary travel and habitats on moons or other extra terrestrial bodies (err...extra Kerbal bodies?) and space stations. I have begun my initial series of missions attempting to achieve orbit (of course, I have already achieved it in the in game tutorial, and have even orbited the Mun, but that was is a vessel not of my design. I have a TON of questions, but this is not the place for them. I hope to see you in other portions of this very helpful Forum. Thanks again guys. Check Six
  8. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I just checked, and as far as I can tell, I'm not a bot, but you can never be too sure. I watched some very informative tutorials on YouTube today at work, and in the one I saw that focused on landing on one of the moons, it suggested that Mun has a higher gravity (I think that was the reason) and therefore is a poorer candidate for a lunar landing as it required more fuel and larger capacity engines or perhaps just a larger payload. I guess that orbiting the Mun a few times and returning would not use as much fuel as a landing (and hopefully a return to the home planet), but it was suggested that a landing on the other moon (sorry I can't remember its name off-hand) was much easier. Does anyone agree? Should I look to orbiting the further moon and then plan to land on it first? Sorry, this IS just an intro forum, and those questions perhaps belong elsewhere, I just thought I'd ask.
  9. Hi everyone. New to KSP and new to this Forum. I was checking out YouTube vids for another game/sim and came across a tutorial for KSP (by Squirrel or maybe dasquirrelnuts) and watched it and was hooked. I came home, ordered, paid for, downloaded and was up and running within an hour. I did the tutorial missions, but failed to achieve an intercept with the Mun. I think maybe I need to adjust my thrust as I was intercepting it at about 90 degrees ahead, not 45 like the tutorial suggests. Am I right in saying that? Anyway, I have plenty of time to discover interplanetary travel, as I started from the ground up (literally). I took a test flight on one of the stock aircraft, and successfully took off, looped around and landed and taxied back to the hangar (pretty good for a first attempt, but I do have flight sim experience). I will trawl through this forum this afternoon / evening, as it's not right to ask one of my million questions until I search through for answers and read to gain knowledge. I hope to contact you all again in the very near future. Hopefully my questions will not bore you with "this old chestnut? why didn't he read the forum. I'm going to ignore him" but will receive informative answers. I always do my homework, and always "pay it back" and will respond to anyone that I can help with my limited knowledge (at this stage). My first question is about my Avatar. I can't edit my avatar, because I don't have one. I need to go to User Control Panel, but I don't have one of those either. Perhaps I need to post a few times in a civil manner before being permitted. Can anyone help? Steve aka Check Six
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