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Jeb Kerm�an

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Everything posted by Jeb Kerm�an

  1. When it comes to Mating Kerman in the 'cockpit', you can rest assured the payload will be delivered successfully.. if you know what I mean.
  2. Ran out of fuel just shy of Eve's orbit on return journey from Moho. The craft had no docking ports, so any rescue mission will be leaving the craft behind, along with it's precious science cargo. EDIT: I had a vessel landed on Mün, manned by, iirc, Bill, but it seems to have disappeared without a trace. Bug?
  3. Ah, my mistake. Apologies to the OP, didn't bother to read beyond the first post.. I'd had this problem with the smaller landing legs myself, so assumed the heavier ones would be the solution. ^Epic. Nature's had hundreds of millions of years to perfect her designs, no shame in taking a few pointers.
  4. Or just use the larger, heavy lander legs? They are quite far up the tech tree though.
  5. I'm enjoying it very much. It forces you to go back to basics I guess, no struts, fuel lines, decouplers etc. Getting to Mün and minmus was actually a challenge, forcing you to think 'outside the box'. Bravo.
  6. I salute you, gentlemen/womenfolk. Makes my paltry 150 hour flight time seem insignificant.
  7. Coming in to land, couple of hundred metres to touchdown, I realised I'd attached my new (and untested) lander legs upside down, but I still managed to land successfully.
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