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    Curious George

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  1. Hi, thanks for your comments. I don't understand how giving people another answer to a common question is upsetting. Are you worried that people aren't going to credit you? I'm sorry if you felt your post wasn't read or even ignored. I did read your post. I followed your post. I shared your post with a few of my friends who play KSP, and 100% of them needed help. What I did was write down what I told them, almost verbatim, and offered a different solution to the same problem. They agreed it was helpful. I wanted to share it with the rest of KSP. "Here's how I solved this problem." I can edit my post to add a link to your solution too if that will help. Other than that, though, I'm not sure how offering a second way to solve a problem is deteriorative. (Don't we want to give people as many tools as possible to play this game? What if your post is too confusing? What if mine is too verbose? How can we anticipate future Mac player concerns and address them before they become a big problem?) Thanks again.
  2. Just wanted to jump in here and help out my fellow Mac users. First thing's first, we need to understand and remember that Macs don't have the ability to merge folders. It's not native. So when the instructions say "replace/overwrite destination folder with new folder," it's assuming that the filesystem will merge the files and not replace the folders. Replacing the folders means that you lose data. Not good. The solution to getting this working correctly on a Mac is to do the following, in order. FWIW: I have the game installed in Applications/KSP_osx/KSP.app. STEP 1: Download and extract the texture pack. Hopefully you don't need help here. STEP 2: Open the new folder containing the texture pack. As of 0.1, it's called "Gameplay." STEP 3: Rename the folder inside from "Squad" to "SquadFrom". Inside the Gameplay folder, you should now have the following: Instructions and License.txt SquadFrom STEP 4: Copy and paste the SquadFrom directory into your GameData folder. Since my game is installed in my applications folder, I would copy it to the following: Applications/KSP_osx/GameData/SquadFrom You should now be in your GameData folder and see both a Squad folder *and* the new SquadFrom folder. STEP 5: Create a new file called 'debloat.sh.' Stick it right there in your GameData folder next to your other folders. Open it up in TextEdit, or whatever editor you kids are using these days, and copy and paste the following into it: #!/bin/bash rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/advancedCanard/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/advancedCanard/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/Ailerons/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneTail/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/airplaneTail/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/CanardController/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/CanardController/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/deltaWing/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/deltaWing/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/NoseCone/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/noseConeAdapter/model002.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/rocketNoseCone/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/standardNoseCone/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/standardNoseCone/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/sweptWing/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/sweptWing/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/tailfin/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/tailfin/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/wingConnector/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/wingConnector/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet2/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Aero/winglet2/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/advSasModule/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/avionicsNoseCone/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/crewCabin/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/cupola/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/landerCabinSmall/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mark1Cockpit/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mark1Cockpit/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mark2Cockpit/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mark3Cockpit/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mk1pod/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/mk2LanderCabin/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/ksp_m_hexProbe_diff.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreHex/ksp_m_hexProbe_normal.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreSphere/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeCoreSphere/model000a.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackLarge/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/probeStackSmall/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Command/seatExternalCmd/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Electrical/largeSolarPanel/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels1/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Electrical/solarPanels3/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/engineLargeSkipper/ksp_l_midrangeEngine_fairing_norm.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/JetEngine/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model003.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1/model004.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine1-2/model003.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2/model003.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine2-2/model002.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/engine3.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngine3/engine3_n.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidEngine_diff.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidEngine_norm.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMini/ksp_m_liquidFuelEngine_fairing_norm.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/nuclearEngine/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBooster1-1/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/toroidalAerospike/model002.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Engine/turboFanEngine/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank2-2/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank4-2/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank4-2/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankSmall/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1Fuselage/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1Fuselage/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2Fuselage/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk2SpacePlaneAdapter/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3Fuselage/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3spacePlaneAdapter/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/mk3spacePlaneAdapter/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTank1-2/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCSTank1-2/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankMini/ksp_m_rcsTank_diff.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankMini/ksp_m_rcsTank_normal.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/RCStankRadialLong/ksp_r_rcsCylTank_diff.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/toroidalFuelTank/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/toroidalFuelTank/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTank/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTank/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTankRadial/ksp_r_xenonTank_diff.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/nacelleBody/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/nacelleBody/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/radialEngineBody/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/radialEngineBody/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/smallHardpoint/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/smallHardpoint/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylon/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPylon/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralWing/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralWing/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/airScoop/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/CircularIntake/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/CircularIntake/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort1/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort1/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort2/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLarge/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortLateral/model002.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/LandingLeg/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/parachute_single/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/parachute_single/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/ramAirIntake/model002.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/roverBody/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparator/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/stackSeparator/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadder/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel2/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/roverWheel3/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/SmallGearBay/model002.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model000.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model001.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model002.* rm -f Squad/Parts/Wheel/wheelMed/model003.* rm -f Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*.cfg rm -f Squad/Spaces/Common/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*.mbm rm -f Squad/Spaces/Common/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*.png rm -f Squad/Spaces/Common/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/crewCabinInternals/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/cupolaInternal/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace1/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/GenericSpace3/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinInternals/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/landerCabinSmallInternal/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1CockpitInternal/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/mk1PodCockpit/*.tga rm -f Squad/Spaces/PodCockpit/*.tga STEP 6: Open up Terminal and navigate to your GameData folder. Once in your GameData folder, type in the following commands in order: chmod 700 debloat.sh ./debloat.sh rsync -avh SquadFrom/* Squad/ If it asks you for your password during any of these steps, obviously enter in your password. If you don't have sufficient permissions to run, then prepend the word sudo to the commands and try again. After you type in the rsync command, your terminal window will fill with a bunch of file folder names. Once it's back to the terminal prompt, you're all set. Go back to your GameData folder in Finder and delete the SquadFrom folder. Empty your trash. Verify the Squad Texture Pack installed correctly by right-clicking your Squad folder and clicking Get Info. Notice that it's 200-300mb lighter than before. STEP 7: Profit.
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