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Everything posted by Cairan

  1. Please, put the omni 5Mm antenna in there, because so many ships use it as a "everyday" antenna for launch control that it breaks a lot of things when it is not included...
  2. The idea is great, the implementation however seems to have some issues. If every modder out there can lay out his own tech tree, we are guaranteed to run into these issues. Therefore, modders should honor the "stock" tech tree to prevent conflicts between different mods. Add to a stock node, add your own node, but please leave stuff where it is in stock! Then, we'd be able to "fusion" different extended tech trees from different mods together since we'd have the "common core" (pun intended) on which to build upon. We could do that by selecting multiple extended trees, because we'd all be using the stock tree as a basis. If mods change the stock tree, we're doomed, it's going to be anarchist paradise. :-P
  3. There's one thing I fail to grasp ... Is it possible to use concurrent trees from multiple mods with TreeLoader? ie. I want NovaPunch alongside Interstellar Mod... are these going to play nice alongside with TreeLoader?
  4. Well my point is merely two folds. First, when you do implement "heat stroke" damage to all vessels, it would break existing vessels instantly, therefore requiring an user who wants to adopt your mod to get rid of all existing space infrastructure and start again from scratch. If you implement only on vessels which use at least one of your parts, then you enable a transition period in the games of interstellar mod adopters. Second, all objects in space tend to reach a radiative equilibrium state at one point or another. What generate waste heat is basically the "work" done on the vessel, such as generating electricity, charging and discharging batteries, powering equipment, etc. It seems you use this metric (energy usage) as a basis for waste heat generation. However, it could be assumed that small probe parts already incorporate all the required passive heat dissipation technologies required of them to operate in deep space. I would also add that there are many methods other than radiators to get rid of heat, such as flash evaporators, heat pipes, just to name those, which could be presumed to already be inside the stock KSP probes and capsules parts. I do agree with you that heat rejection is a major lack at this point in stock KSP, but that's what mods are for
  5. OK, don't know if this has been reported, but I tried this mod... Great idea, solid grounds, kudos for that. That being said, I've had an issue which required me to remove the mod, at least temporarly. On an existing save game, with 50 flights in progress, I could no longer switch either to the pad or to a vessel currently in flight. The game would just hang at the black loading screen. I started a new savegame, which resolved my issue, or so I thought... I put up my keosync relay sats up, as I use RemoteTech (v1) and MechJeb 2. After putting up my second laboratory up at my research space station, it crashed, and whenever I tried to launch a new high-parts count vessel, it would bug out just like with my previous save game. I removed the mod, and I can once again access my 50+ vessels savegame. For information, I use the following mods: RomFarer's Lazor Mod, Kerb chatter, Mechjeb 2, Remotetech 1, Alarmclock and Crew Manifest. I haven't tried to selectively remove the other mods yet as I wanted first to check out if anyone has had the same issues. On another related issue, I know you are currently accepting comments on the waste heat issue. I wouldn't implement heat generation on vessels which are not carrying parts from your mod. I was surprised to see that waste heat was getting generated on my small relay microsats... those would normally just radiate heat away in space passively using the structures and sometimes moving louvers on the electronic boxes...
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