if ive read things right tho, there is no reason to have more than one sample slot. i could be wrong, but taking 3 command pods, to get 3 different sample types, would be the same thing as sending multiple samples, home, via one pod, via transmittion. lets say, a science sample gives 10 science, for a return delivery. if you transmit it, you get 20% of that science(saying the bottom in blue says 20% for example) well, if you do that sample collection, and transmition 5 times, youll get the full 100% = 10 science points, the whole diminishing returns, is based on a MAXIMUM science available from a specific task. so i plan to test this myself, and you should too, head to the launchpad, do a ground sample, with a solar panel, and some batteries, transmit it back,rinse repeat until you have sent enough to get approximately 100% (note you will probably never get it to 100% as it seems to work on a linear curve) but you can get it to 98-99% im sure, imll do this and keep track of how much science you should get, and ill be certain then, but again everything ive read has lead me to this conclusion.