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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi, love the mod. Couldn't find anything in the thread about this possible conflict, using mod version 1.2.0 on KSP 1.2.2 Just had my first malfunction, LV-909 Terrier engine (just a malfunction, not critical failure). Now a Kerbal is stuck in orbit with only 16 days of Oxygen left. He's a pilot, not an engineer, and I need 13 days to upgrade the Astronaut Complex to allow spacewalks anyway. Great stuff. Time for an epic rescue. Only issue is, when I go to the vessel and test it out, the engine still works fine - produces thrust, consumes fuel. It's highlighted in yellow, in the part details it says 'engine: malfunction', but everything still works. I've done a bit of testing and narrowed down the problem to RealPlumes - I've removed the base mod, the stock configs, and smokescreen, and everything seems to work as intended now. Just thought I'd let people know in case similar problems crop up.
  2. This looks very promising, I was hoping to see more experiments coming from modders. NathanKell's ideas look excellent as well - maybe the biologicals package could somehow involve that tiny squid thing from the gameplay video?
  3. Good point. It looks like watching the 0.22 preview streams, when you recover a flight there is a dialog that tells you what science you did and what you gained from it - if you could add a section that listed what you achieved (e.g. reached orbit, landed on Mun) that would be kinda cool. So I guess flight recovery would be the best time to do that, as when you revert, whatever you did never happened.
  4. Hmm, this looks interesting. I've just posted this excel spreadsheet over in the tools section - it's designed to be a proto-experience tracker. At the moment players have to manually input and remember what their kerbals did during the mission, but this would be a great tracker - do you think you could have a screen at the end of a mission saying which achievements were awarded? That would go a long way...
  5. Hello all, longtime player and enjoyer of mods etc. While I was playing 0.20, I found myself wanting a bit more progression and the feel of a 'realistic-ish' space program - I guess like a mild version of a career mode. Now with 0.22 on the horizon (I didn't play much during 0.21), I've decided to release a preview version of the tool I'll be using for my career mode during 0.22. It's not actually a tool, it's an Excel 2010 workbook. TL;DR version: It's a spreadsheet that awards kerbals exp, ranks and medals based on what they do, and a way to keep track of your missions. There are 3 sheets in the workbook. 1) Mission Record This has columns for mission name, crew, type of vessel, launcher (if you like to track that), mission objectives, outcome (success, failure), and then the experience section. Basically, you fill in the number of times each of the actions was performed, length of the mission (in days), science generated, and a few other variables. The sheet then calculates a total, which is added to the kerbal's running total on the Roster sheet (see below). It's a bit in depth, so if people want, I can write up a little tutorial, but most of the cells have notes attached that explain things a bit better. Finally there's a column to paste ribbons from the excellent ribbon generator at http://ribbons.cgagnier.ca/ by Moustachauve, and a notes column to put for example, what went wrong. The only essential columns for the experience to work are the Crew and Experience columns. It's important to note as well, all the Bold numbers on the page are generated by formulas, so don't manually input text into these, or it may break the sheet. 2) Roster This is a record of your 'kerbalnaut corps'. Simply enter the names of all the kerbals you've hired, and then as long as you enter the names the same way in the Mission Record sheet, it will track their experience, rank, and mission time. The Missions column allows you to (manually) record which missions they've flown, and the medals column is for medals (see below). The status column is for you to (manually) enter what they're doing right now (e.g. standby, aboard Kerbal I), and Notes is for anything else - I use it for recording who was first in space, first on Mun etc. Below, you'll find a black area to record the agency ribbons (like forum signatures), and finally a section for kerbals you've killed (you monster). Similarly to the above sheet, all the Bold numbers on the page are generated by formulas again. 3) Rewards & Ranks This is where most of the values are set. Each action has it's corresponding reward here, and you can change anything in green dashed lines and it will be dynamically applied to the rest of the workbook - bear in mind it will retroactively apply to previous missions too, and could demote your kerbals! The left section is exp reward (which I've whimsically called 'kp') and also records how many times each has been awarded (just for kicks). The right upper section is ranks - the kp requirement can be altered too. The abilities column is fairly arbitrary - adhere to that or not, your choice. It also records how many of each rank you have. Finally below that, you have the Medals. Again, completely whimsical, allows you to copy-paste the medal image into the corresponding roster section when you feel like honouring your kerbals - times awarded here is manual. Once more, all the Bold numbers on the page are generated by formulas. Finally there is an options sheet which I just put together today - they have explanations attached, and basically allow you to change a couple things about the experience system to your liking. I'd like you to bear in mind that this isn't going to be balanced (especially the science rewards, which I've balanced based on watching the preview stream) - the rewards are all based on my style of play, which is slowly building up to stuff and repeating things a couple times in different ways. There will also probably be bugs. I like to use ISA MapSat and RemoteTech and FAR and Deadly Re-entry and Kethane and such to challenge myself and also have reasons to launch more missions. A couple of the rewards even depend on these mods (but the options page has toggles for them). There is also a toggle I just introduced to prevent a kerbal gaining more than the their next rank - their current rank's worth of kp in one go - so if you like to hire 3 rookies and send them straight to Eeloo, turn this one off, or they'll gain next to nothing. I am of course open to constructive criticism, comments, questions, ideas etc. - if you want to customize this to death and release your own version, go ahead, just write me a quick credit in the post. It's completely up to you how you use this. Like I said, if people want I'll consider writing a proper tutorial with diagrams and stuff. For now, I'm just going to attach a dropbox link to the file with the first line of the mission record filled in with an example flight of Jeb going to Mun and returning (and you'll see the rank limiter in action, as since he starts as a Cadet, he can only gain 10kp ). To reset, just delete all the cells in row 3 that don't have bold numbers in them. Hopefully this appeals to at least some people - I know my meticulous organise-y side loves it, and it's a nice stop-gap until career mode gets some more features. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xjyewy4zsarmhr/KerbalExpTrack0.22Preview.xlsx NOTE: Requires Excel 2010 or 2013 (only tested on 2010) You're welcome to try it on any other program that open xlsx - no guarantees. I can also convert it to legacy formats, but again, I don't know what features will work. Enjoy! Also, if anyone fancies making a standalone application for this, be my guest. I didn't because I can't code for beans. Mods, please let me know if I'm breaking any forum rules re: hosting or licensing - I've never posted files to a forum.
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