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Posts posted by Hitokiri

  1. I'm not sure what's going on and I know that RP-0 doesn't mess with the reputation system but somehow I am lossing reputation even though I've not failed or cancelled a single contract. I was doing some memory tests a few weeks back and decided the best option was to duplicate my existing game, and make the changes to that game for the test. That way I could continue with my main game without the test causing problems. So back on game day "Year 10, Day 109 - 16h, 18m" I did just that. That game has a reputation of 61%. In my main game I'm up to "Year 11, Day 29 - 12h, 46m" and have completed 21 contracts including a "Jupiter Flyby" which should have given a pretty decent completion bonus. I've got one "Fundraising Campaing" strategy running which is supposed to take 25% of any reputation gains and convert it to funds. That strategy has been running pretty much the entirity of my game. So I was just logging back into my game when I noticed that my curret Reputation is now 56%. So instead of gaining reputation, somehow I've manager to lose 6%. Is there anything in the save game file that shows where the reputation gains/losses could be coming from?

    I do believe that I read somewhere that Fund Raising strategy is to blame. I had same issue, if the strategy was set to more than 10% it was actually reducing your Reputation with every successful contract... I think this is stock KSP issue..

  2. This is great, I used 64-bit before and was forced to switch to Ubuntu (and I hate it) to keep my grand game. Is there any way how to obscure mods that block 64-bit? (real chutes, FAR) As fare as I understood, those mods are mostly under GPL-like licence, so you can remove the code that check for 64-bit compatibility and distribute it (or at least use it)

  3. I had very unpleasant trouble in RSS/RO/RP-0 related to RemoteTech - I had small spacecraft (3 person capsule with personal, shield, decoupler, fuel tank, engine) with solar panels and Commutron 16 attached to fuel tank behind decoupler. Launch was nominal and everthing was fine until I activated Commutron and panels thru action group. From that moment ship was completely uncontrollable with RT status "no connection" (crew was there, so right status should have be Local Control) and pod itself was saying that there is no electricity (while there were 43k units in the pod). I thought it was some glitch so game was restarted but situation didn’t changed.

    Just before I gave up completely, I tried to do EVA, just to see if it will not hep to enter and escape pod, but it didn’t. I donr another EVA and while hanging around looking to some unopened solar panels (due to glitch in action group) I saw the antenna and just for fun I found there is force retract option thanks to KIS/KAS. And retracting it did the trick, pod was instantly fine, and everything returned to normal!

    Is it intended or glitch? What may be the cause?

  4. I'm getting the same problem, occasionally. Things that help:

    a) place the vessel HIGH on launch clamps (the problem seems to come more often if your rocket is just inches above the launchpad)

    B) save before you click "launch" in KCT, load this savegame instead of "revert to launch"

    c) restart KSP

    The first two work often, but not always. c) has never failed me so far.

    Thanks, so it looks like it is beyond repair for me... I never tried a) hover both B) and c) doesnt work for me anymore (it used to work, but the situation progressively worsen). I will try fresh install and we will see.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Is there any place to find all "realism" related mods? Wouldn't it make sense to have separate sub-forum with all realism related stuff?

  5. Hello,

    I know this is probably not directly related to RP-0 but anyway I hope you may help me or at least direct me, where to find help. Since few days ago, when I enter launch pad the craft became like in flight and I cannot use timewarp (only physical warp is available) The ship I have is about 300t, some 80 pieces, 4 stages, nothing extraordinary, 6 launch clamps to stabilize it. Worst is, it happen with ships that was working without troubles before.

    Any Idea what may be the cause of it? How to deal with it?

  6. Hitokiri: Ah, right, jets. I was thinking only rockets. The engines should provide fairly good information about themselves in their tooltips, including the performance stats and propellants used by each variant in the Modules list, and a written description in the main tooltip. What engines don't have good enough info right now?

    I didn't mean it in way that description are not informative enough, the opposite is true, they are super descriptive. What I was looking for was some sort of list with information about engines, so I can wrap my head around it summarily, something like this maybe: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts#Liquid_Fuel_Engines

    If no such list exist, I will be happy to prepare one from sources.

  7. If you're playing RP-0 with only the part packs we require (SXT and Ven's Stock Revamp) the supply of engines should not be so overwhelming--what else do you have installed?

    The only other that add engines is Advanced Jet Engines that is required by RO. The others on top of 11 required and recommended by RP-0 and 30 required and recommended by RO I installed is ScanSat, Chatter and ScienceAlert.

    So is there any list of all engines and its variants with its characteristics and connected informations about fuels?

  8. I really do like RSS and idea of career game is perfect, however I have one big issue with game so far: number of engines (and their variants) introduced by RO and other required/recommended mods is overwhelming, and I really don’t mean it with any positive connotation.

    I just finished mi Sputnik-like mission - unlocked so far few nodes up to basic rocketry and Early probes and just now "basic capsules" and I have 28 engines available and some of them already how variants! This is madness, for game it doesn’t server any purpose and normal person cannot orient in types and variants of engines. I understand that it in RO it server purpose so guys can create those beautiful replicas of historical rockets, but for RP-0 it feels so off. I even do like everything else about the engines in RO (different fuel types, ignitions - this is really great and make additional fun/challenge)

    Or maybe RP-0/RO is not for me - what I was looking for was playing KSP in Solar System (or similarly sized system) for additional challenge and play it as career. So is there any solution how to get around the sea of engines?

    So is there any solution?

  9. Any chance that remote tech may cause that "Transmit Data" stop working suddenly? (if I start the game fresh I can transfer data, but after some period of time it just delete the test results and no data is sent/no science received) If I quick save close the game start it again and jump to same craft it is again working for a while..

  10. Hello,

    I several times experienced behavior in Title. Games freeze and it start allocate memory, sometimes it crashes because it reach 32-bit memory limits, most often it crash even before. Seems to me it is cause by some particular contract (wasn't able to identify one thou). I already posted this Question to some contract related forums but without luck.

    Anybody experience same issue? Any idea how to get rid of it? (in fact it would be just fine to disable popup of contract window on mouse over since I don't this during the flight usually)

  11. Hi, great works with RemoteTech contracts!

    I have one issue thou, I installed this contract pack somewhere in the middle of game (with Com Sat around Kerbin, Mun and Minimus already setup in efficient fashion) and I didn't received any RemoteTech contract until now. The contract is to build satellite that will be on Keosync orbit and reach all planets. Since I accepted this contract my game crash anytime I click contract "button". Crash report here: http://1drv.ms/1EyIhp4

    Crash occurs when in ship and opening "contracts button", it didn't happened when using same button while on KSP or in Tracking Station.

  12. I've wanted to leave it wonky so that people write their own controller from the raw components, but as it's the first thing people see, it's a big problem for the mod's reputation.

    Well, maybe I'm not the right user for this mod - after all I'm not developer, but rather from OPS - I like my scripts neat and stitched together from samples from around the web :)

    The code I put together had simple purpose - to be able to lunch SSTO without my interaction - so I can read my e-mails, be on forum here or do whatever else. If it will require to write my own controller from raw components than it is not something I can achieve in reasonable time - therefore defying the original purpose - save some time. :-)

  13. The design of LOCK STEERING is to be a very basic algorithm that will get you more or less in the right direction. If you want finer control you can always use the raw controls


    Well, I read the most of documentation for KOS on github and my "feeling" was that "cooked" control was somehow preferred. (well the article about control starts with them, right?)

    Is there any tutorial how to use raw control? For example I can see that both Mechjeb and "cooked" control in KOS will actually keep pitch to 1.0 in order to fly desired 20° in high atmosphere supersonic flight (1300m/s @ 20k). So I assume that I have to write some subroutine that will actually change the Pitch inflight to keep desired heading...

  14. Hi, great work on KOS!

    I have one question concerning usage KOS in Space Planes, is it advisable? Is KOS ready for it?

    Why I'm asking, I made script that brings my SSTO to orbit, while script worked fine for some planes, it doesn't really worked for other for one reason - during atmospheric flight planes is wobbling on "Roll".

    The script looks like this:

    toggle brakes.

    lock THROTTLE to 1.
    LOCK STEERING TO Heading (90,3).

    print "Lunch!".

    wait until surfacespeed > 100.

    print "Lift off!".
    LOCK STEERING TO Heading (90,10).
    wait 5.
    toggle GEAR.

    LOCK STEERING TO Heading (90,45).

    wait until ALTITUDE > 10000.
    print "10k!".
    LOCK STEERING TO Heading (90,20).

    wait until eta:apoapsis < 5.

    print "Rocket Engines!".
    LOCK STEERING TO Heading (90,30).
    toggle AG1.
    lock THROTTLE to 1.

    wait until APOAPSIS > 300000.
    lock THROTTLE to 0.

    lock steering to prograde.

    wait until eta:apoapsis < 10.

    set x to apoapsis.
    lock THROTTLE to 1.

    wait until periapsis > x-500.
    lock THROTTLE to 0.

    toggle AG10.

    print "Finished!".

    The unlocked steering after reaching 10k is there for Mechjeb to control thrust in order to prevent flameout of engines as atmosphere thicker

    Anyway the

    LOCK STEERING TO Heading (90,20).

    is the main issue, plane always start ROLL left right and this cause that it will not keep that 20° of pitch.

    So what to do with it?

  15. I really like new contracts and contract types, on the other hand, it somehow spoiled .25 for me. The problem is, that I didn't even landed on Mun or other kelestial body and I have everything in tech tree discovered. The main issue I see:

    a) enhanced spaceplane capabilities in .25 (i.e. parts from space plane+)

    B) ability to trade science for money using "strategies"

    ( c) stage recovery mod (itself perfectly fine and logical) )

    Despite the fact that I have mods to make KSP harder (i.e. TAC Life Support, RemoteTech) the result is that simple "Aerial Survey" missions and "Satellite Deployments" around Kerbin (or Mun) can give you thousands and thousands of science for next to no cost.

    Typical satellite lunch to Keosynchronous orbit or to Mun, costs me some 4-5k and reward is 100.000 credits, and hundreds of science. For "Aerial Survey" missions it is even worst, they are just mundane (take some 20-30 minutes) with bit capable plane - make 2-3 strato jumbs to come to right area, find waypoins jumps elsewhere, cost for such mission is essentially just kerosene (1500 funds for enough fuel to fly around planet twice at least) but reward is 100.000 funds + 100 science - with outsourced R&D you may get "just" 80.000 funds and 700 science from single flight... that doesn't make much sense.

  16. Rendezvous autopilot does a matching velocity maneuver as part of the approach from hohmann orbit. You shouldn't have to do anything but let it finish it's closest approach and shutdown.

    If you're having trouble with Match Velocity in maneuver planner the issue is you are already too close to the target vessel for the TWR of the maneuvering vessel. This is not an issue with Mechjeb, just bad estimation on your part. start the maneuvers from farther off.

    Not Really, Autopilot was started on LKO and target was on KSS orbit, so everything was in hands of Mechjeb. Also similar situation happened to me when I was for example 10km away from target with relative velocity 0. Randezvous autopilot decided to accelerate to 100m/s and than had troubles to decelerate - I guess that problem is in case that ship have very low TWR...

  17. Hi, I'm using MechJeb2-, and that is maybe not so relevant to my two questions/issues.

    a) I love the menu to chose command in Maneuver Planner, however If the planner is on lower edge of screen opening that menu will move it up, so the list is completely visible, would it be possible to have that list rolled the way it will not move with Maneuver planned window?

    b)Match velocity with Target at closest approach usually works fine only in case that ship have high TWR, for example I just now swiped around my station (within like 200m at 300m/s) because my nuclear engines would take couple of minutes to deliver 500m/s dV. How to prevent such behavior?

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