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  1. Darnok, you said in the How Many People Can The Earth Support thread that clean energy is bad. I have three questions.

    A: WTF?!?!

    B: How did you come to this conclusion?

    C: No offense, but can you improve your grammar a little bit (if English isn't your first language I apologize)?


    1. Darnok


      C) English isn't my first nor even second language and I know I am on novice level.

      A, B) That is simple, if you spend money on "clean energy", you will have less money for space programs.
      IMO space exploration can make technology development much faster than funding from taxes solar panel or wind turbines.

    2. KAL 9000

      KAL 9000

      Ok, so it's a matter of money? I agree that space exploration is important, but why don't we use the trillion or so dollars that goes into the US budget every year as "defense" spending. Almost none of that goes to defense! So, you're OK if we kill the environment? I'm sorry for asking you to improve your grammar, I understand if English isn't your first or second language. It's amazingly good by Internet standards :wink:.

    3. Darnok


      You would have to win war against US to force them to lower military budget and increase space funding :wink:

      Also we are not killing environment, we are killing weakest of current species by changing environment... but evolution is still here, so life survive same as strongest species.

      The more money we spend on "clean energy" the longer we are going to be using only Earth resources, and environment will suffer larger damage. Again... it is simple if you consider time.
      Using Earth's 100% resources for 50 years you are going to damage environment for X factor, but this could allow you to develop modern space program pretty fast.
      While if you lower fossil fuel usage from 100% to 60-70%, suffering money loss on tax-funding "clean energy", you will have less money left to invest in space technology. Which will lead you to longer, than 50 years, usage of Earth's resources.
      Also human population is growing fast, so you are going to destroy Earth for larger factor than X and the longer you wait the larger damage environment will suffer.

      If we would get rid of all limits and restrictions and burn coal and oil, as fast as developing countries wants to, then we would reach higher technology standards on entire Earth much faster.
      Meanwhile we are slowing down countries that wants to progress faster, while developed countries like US, Germany or France are not seeing any competition and they invest more on military or other nonsensical things like corporation domination on different markets, than on space programs.
      For developed countries there is no need to invest more on new technologies, they are on top on the list, so why would they try to go higher?
      Only competition can push space programs faster and as long as people agreed to save environment, not to push technology further we, as civilization, are slowing down.


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