The Duna Base IPE has begun developing a new base, specifically suited for Duna. It would have housing for four kerbals, and come equipped with a two-man rover as well - allowing easy crew transfer from landers to the base and back. The base would also have four mystery goo containers, to provide new science to the guys back at Mission Control. The base is designed to be transported by a standard tug, and placed under the orbit of the station, where it could easily be serviced by landers. The new mission would go as follows: The tug and base would go out to Duna orbit, and plane change into a new phasing orbit with the Station. The base would be released, and land near Duna's equator. The tug would then rendezvous with the station, refuel it, and transfer two crew members to a lander. They would land, grab surface samples, and return. Then the tug would undock, and head for home. The crew this time: Base Commander - Sonfel Kerman; Base Engineer - Wilney Kerman; Mission Commander - Rodos Kerman; Scientist - Bobzon Kerman; and Tug Pilot - Melfrod Kerman. Melfrod was happy that Sonfel would be tucked away in a Base habitat module all flight, so the two would minimize communications. Rodos is a little more competent then Sonfel, and definitely not as arrogant; Rodos's main job is as an engineer, but he has training to land the Duna lander and is on the mission to escort for Bobzon down to Duna's surface. Launch: As the final stage of the Century launcher propels them out of Kerbin SOI, a Munar gravity assist comes up, and the boys decide to try it. At least it looks really cool. They use the last of the fuel in the Century to raise their orbit partway up to Duna's, then finish off with the Tug's main engines. The five then wait a few months before Duna appears: Melfrod notices something as they approach: Duna's moon Ike seems to be in a good position to reach from the Station in orbit around Duna. Maybe they could head there next time? Of course, Sonfel thinks its a terrible idea. Wilny, on the other hand, is exited at the prospect of doing more cool stuff in the Duna system. He can't wait to land their base! The crew then establish their phasing orbit around Duna, and prepare to release the base for landing. The base heads off, not a minute too soon for Melfrod. Exited to get rid of Sonfel, he begins instructing the two in the proper landing procedures that they forgot last time. Melfrod: Remember, cut your thrust when you land. You have more chutes this time, so it'll be better to cut before you touch down than to risk flipping the base. Sonfel: I know what I'm doing. Everything was fine last time! Wilny: How about I pilot it this time round? Sonfel: No! But somehow, the landing goes off without a hitch. Sonfel disconnects the rover and decides to go out and find a mountain. However, he's pretty impatient, and ends up just christening a nearby dune. Sonfel: I'm naming this dune Alkali Dune, and the base will be Alkali Base. Write that down and send it to Mission Control, Wilny. Wilny: I hope you don't think they'll find this funny, 'cause I sure don't. In the meantime, Melfrod rendezvoused the Tug with the Station and docked. Melfrod: Okay, we're docked. I'm going to begin fueling up the station, and you two can head over to a lander. Rodos: Sure thing. I'll just check that the landers are in good shape, then we're good to go land. Bobzon: It's so cool to be in space! Bobzon and Rodos, disconnect from the main station, and prep for landing: They touch down during a beautiful Kerbolrise, made even better by the tinge of Duna's atmosphere. Bobzon: Wow. Rodos: This is incredible. Bobzon: We have to name this landing site after this! Rodos: How's "Kerbolrise over the Dunes" sound? And thus, Kerbolrise over the Dunes was christened as the thrid flag on Duna. The boys are quite happy with themselves. They return to the station and load their samples back into the main craft, and prepare to return home. As they begin their burn to leave Duna SOI, an surprise Ike encounter pops up. Melfrod, who was so intrigued by Ike earlier in the mission, decides to use the flyby as both a gravity assist and a way to get science! Maybe then the IPE will consider his proposal to land at Ike next. After Melfrod takes an EVA report, the crew head home. Time to plan the next mission! Next time, the IPE heeds Melfrod's advice and sends up a little Ike lander, capable of going from the Station to Ike, landing, and returning!