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Posts posted by dnugroho

  1. Playing KSP entirely from cockpit IVA and/or a screen fully covered by opaque KER info panels is not cheating. KSP's default camera views is cheating, unless viewed using camera parts mounted externally or using tiny "selfie drone" equipped with cameras.... MJ is totally fine though ;)

  2. I've been playing KSP since 0.20 IIRC and never get bored with it. I guess the fact that I am a space geek & sci-fi fan contributes a lot to my attraction to KSP...

    I am a map maker. An aerial photo & LiDAR surveyor to be precise. I flew on various aircraft to conduct topographic surveys in so many places in South East Asia and Australia. That's why aerial survey contracts in Career mode will always be my favorite! Mods like RemoteTech and SCANSat is a must have for me, and I won't update my KSP before those mods get updated. :)

  3. Holy mother of God i thought i was alone.. i was born in Jakarta too haha.

    Yeah, good to know that there are fellow Indonesians lurking in KSP forum. :)

    I was born in Yogyakarta, live in Jakarta, but stationed at some remote area in Australia at the moment ;)

  4. Hi, was there any changes to parachutes? I have deadly reentry and FAR enabled and i was used to be able to deploy chutes under ~800m/s. Now they will immediately break if i deploy them with speed >~250m/s, no difference on altitude.

    Yeah I noticed that too. Deploying parachutes at high speed > 200 m/s will mean certain death to Kerbals now. It was not like that before.

  5. Downloaded successfully in 20 minutes... which is odd, since I am in Indonesia, KSP downloads usually took much longer due to poor internet access speed. Tried it and it's all good, with the new SP parts, explosions, etc. Thanks SQUAD! I took 2 days off work in anticipation of this new release :P

  6. Evacuated all Kerbals from Mun and Minmus since I have sucked the science dry on these two moons. Somehow I feel obliged to rescue them home after their tasks finished. As a professional topographic surveyor myself, one of the best part in each project is when I'm preparing to go home, especially from projects in remote locations in the middle of nowhere.

    Back to KSP, I have unveiled all the tech tree in career mode, and now time to venture to other planets beyond Duna and Eve. Not sure what to do with the surplus science points though.

  7. I had the same thing happened to me last night. I crashed my Munar lander full with experiment samples, and I intuitively pressed F9 to load my quicksave, only to find that I lost a few hours worth of science activities on the Mun and Minmus. However, before I exited KSP, I made a backup of the save folder right away before KSP create any new autosave. It is my understanding that during exit, the game will do an autosave.

    After I exit KSP, I renamed the current save folder to something else (as a backup just in case this procedure doesn't work), and renamed my backup save folder to save folder. Voila! I got KSP back to the latest autosaved state.

    This will only work if no autosave happened after the botched mission.

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