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Everything posted by CraterMaker1986

  1. Stranded on minmus. I have fuel left in the lander. just not sure its enough to get back to kerbin. So thats where he's going to stay until i send a rescue mission. He knew what he signed up for.
  2. I'm lovin career mode. I love using the limited number of parts to do what I use make huge rockets for. It makes you rethink how much you can really do with just simple and light weight rockets. I don't see why people are complaining about it. I relish everything I do just that much more. Knowing I did it without huge engines and limitless power supplies.
  3. I have no complaints about .22. People always freak out over updates and changes. I think they forget that the game is still being developed. And as it is now i think its still one of the greatest games i've ever played. And the developers seem to care and try their best to deliver a great product. So if there are issues and bugs i dont let it bother me. Keep up the good work guys, this game is awesome.
  4. After countless encounters and sling shots from coming in to fast. I finally built a stable and pretty efficient lander. Enough delta v for a couple of landings and a return home. I came down to fast and still moving sideways. I fired the main engine and stopped my downward motion enough to land. But I couldn't cancel out the sidways motion before hitting the surface and destroying everything but the pod. The kerbals did survive the impact. So I planted a flag and called it a success! I Still felt pretty damn good about it. And after that, Mun landings became pretty easy.
  5. I would love to see the surface of venus. If we could build something strong enough to last in that environment. The moons of jupiter and Saturn would be next. But out of the places that are actually possible, First would be the moon. I'd go back to the apollo 12 landing site and plant the flag again. And of course Mars. Though I'm pretty sure we are never going to find any living organisms on Mars, there is still the feeling of what if. No better way to look for it than actually walking on the surface and digging up soil.
  6. My closest is the manned rover that is stranded in Eve's ocean. I screwed up on decent and didn't hit the quick save button when I had the chance. The farthest is the manned rover I have on Duna. Made it there in my first try, though the landing required a few tries to land without breaking the rover wheels. I plan on sending a lander to laythe soon.
  7. I feel like a true genius when stuff goes right. But a complete sucker and disappointment when it doesn. More often the latter feeling. My girlfriend says I look lost or dejected when my rockets explode. And since they fail often I'm just going to go with that.
  8. Rated:E. As in EVERYONE should be playing this game!!!!
  9. It was Duna for me. I had to use the F9 button a couple of times since wheels on the manned rover were being smashed on the surface. It's now on the surface intact and still working. Shortly after that I landed the same rover on Eve. only this time I landed in the ocean and didn't hit F5 before landing. So now they're both stuck floating forever.
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