Ok first things first, I usually bring lots of extra fuel for interplanetary destinations, so my ships tend to be bigger than they probably should be. I use nuke engines since they are so fuel efficient, but with all the extra weight, I end up with very long burns times, (usually 10+ minutes, and that's just to get to eve, duna, dres, etc). During these long burn times, my manuever node marker (blue one) starts to drift on the navball. I even tried lining it up dead center via the cockpit view. I assume its correcting the course, so I try to stay centered on it. But by doing this I sometimes end up where my required maneuver thrust value has pretty much stopped decreasing. To correct it, I have to hunt around in the general area on the navball till I find somewhere where it starts decreasing at a decent rate again. Once its done, I'll end up close to where I want to be, but it requires a second burn to correct the first burn, wasting even more fuel and time. Is there something I am missing here? Should I not be following the maneuver marker? Thanks