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Everything posted by BladeTheCHAMP

  1. Next Episode is going to be late, due to testing, computer work, and modifications to audio/video setting.
  2. I will be sure to do so, dont forget to check out my video's if you wish. also thanks for being the first person to contribute mods to the base, will be sure to say that in E4 of the mun base project.
  3. Do you have a link to the mods, i cant seem to find them? But they sound like nice additions to the base
  4. If anyone has a good set of mods for the Mun base, please pitch them too me and i will see if i can add them to the series.
  5. Episode 3 Will be up soon, just need to fix things up with audio!
  6. You can use any kind of ion engine from any mod, its just you need the ion engines. I was also doing my math on the stock parts and that might be why i see that just stock is impossible.
  7. I think it should only take 5 ion engines, which is a lot of energy to land on minmus. I might have done my mathematics all wrong for this challenge.
  8. Don't know if i qualify since i used the FASA mod, but here it is, I uploaded it to youtube and was just starting out when i found this on the forum. If it doesn't count, then just disregard this. Mun Base video:
  9. The challenge is that you must launch a craft into orbit (however you wish, I.E. Mainsails and SRB's) but once in a stable orbit around kerbin, you must have a ion powered craft that has at least one kerbal aboard. The kerbal does not need a capsule, so you could use the external command seat for top efficiency. And with that you must go to minmus and reach a stable orbit, and land all with the power of ion engines. Return to kerbin is not necessary. Have at it Easy: Minmus landing Hard: Mun landing
  10. I like what you did, love how you filmed the angles and made it look and sound beautiful. Very well done [9+1 / 10] Also how do you film those angles like that?
  11. So i am making a new Mun base with the goal of adding parts that you guys suggest. So if you have an idea, pitch it in and i will see what i can do to create it, and add it to the video series. I also have the goal of helping my channel grow a little rather than having videos with no views and videos with a lot of views. So please check out my channel if you wish and please tell me what you think. Thanks! Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BladeTheCHAMP?feature=watch Mun Base Video:
  12. Oh ok then, thanks alot kind sir, i will work more on the forum then. that might be it
  13. So i'm starting a new series on the production of a Mun base, as well as looking for ideas for any addons that i can put onto or near my base. I also need a good name for my base(nothing with profanity please), since i am not good at naming. Also i want to ask if you could check out my channel and look at the other videos that i have on there(but i am not forcing). So thanks guys and gals and have at it Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/BladeTheCHAMP?feature=watch Mun Base Video:
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