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Everything posted by Aptus

  1. I have been playing around with the free version from the webpage a bit and I'm having tons of fun. Managed to get my first rocket into space and also managed to build some ridiculous ones that in true Kerbal fashion left no survivors. Now I am trying to build a multistage rocket to try and reach as far as I could into oooouuuteeeer spaaaace. I ran into a small problem though when the weight of the fuel needed meant my rocket could not get off the ground. The solution to this was of course, more rockets! In particular I figured I could use some lateral decouplers on the bottom and stick a couple help rockets to get the thing off the ground. The problem with this is that the lateral decoupler seems to have a quite weak grip, as in the rockets start to wobble and bad things ensue. Is there a way to use the lateral decouplers responsibly?
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