So, guys, I've been thinking about going to Hawaii, I think $50,000 should cover the expenses. You don't have to donate, I'd just appreciate if you did. It's a really exclusive hotel, don't' judge me!
I'm having a bit of trouble using some of these planes, whenever I try to open any craft that requires Mk2Bicoupler (which I did install) I get an error saying I'm missing "JAWRD.MMP.S.BodyA" and "JAWRD.MMP.S.NoseA". Could someone help me out? I'd really like to try these planes.
After reaching 20556976M in about 90 minutes I had to stop because I was getting extremely bored. (I was still traveling at about 3000 m/s into space and was decelerating with about 0.1 m/s each second.