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  1. One of the craters of the Moon that has been slated as a good location for a moonbase is named 'Kepler'. I therefore submit that this munbase be named 'Jebler' or 'Jebler-1' in honour of what is probably the Kerbal Space Programme\'s most qualified and certainly our most enthusiastic kerbonaut.
  2. This is certainly true. I built my first successful Munar orbiter (no lander as of yet) a couple of days ago, and it doesn\'t stop lagging until it gets to the third stage! That might just be because I\'m playing on a laptop, and because I went a bit crazy with the structural connectors.
  3. Hullo! I just found about KSP today by watching a video of the game by some fellows called the Freelance Astronauts. They failed miserably (and hilariously) in the video, but I thought the game looked good enough to give it a try. I've been addicted for the past few hours - I love it! So much so that I decided to pre-order it! So, hello! -Krall
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