INCOMING TACTICAL BRAGGING No spoilers >.> R.I.P. phone browsers This is my city, Vaturia. All of the buildings have an interior with exception to the restaurant and admin building. I've only done some of the hotel rooms and apartment rooms because they're essentially carbon copies of each other. Main bridge into the city. Park, with pond, fountain, benches, etc. Admin building. Has had no proper use yet. Apartments and pub. Pub is on the ground floor. Apartments take up all the rest. Unfinished front of the town hall. The part behind this will be far wider. Bus-stop. Undersized theatre. Hotel. Has it's own water features, reading area, minecart connection, cafe, toilets, conference rooms, hotel rooms, penthouses and swimming pool. Statue and plaza. Yacht and marina. Framework of a future restaurant. Bridge to the other part of the city. School. Big office skyscraper thing. Residential area. Oil Power plant and pylons. Beginning of a military base. You can see two barracks, the reinforced house used as a tactician's office and radio reciever, dug-in position with camonet and a flak cannon. Barely done much on this. Barracks interior.