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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That's an easy fix, open the part.cfg files for both engines and alter the TechRequired field to nuclearPropulsion. But that's not all that's required. The bottom attachment node is wrong, you can´t fit a decoupler and have it work. That I don't know how to fix.
  2. I'm having a bit of a problem. My seismic experiment doesn't register. When I right click the sensor, all I get is this: No prompt to start recording, nothing. This is a fresh install of KSPI Lite. Can it be fixed? Thanks. Edit: Well, I reinstalled KSP and downloaded fresh versions of all my mods, now it's working fine. Never mind.
  3. Is this how the engine effects for the plasma thruster supposed to look like? A slow moving puff of smoke? Doesn't look very.... thrusting.
  4. Ratio of charged particles to MJ? Time for some testing. I coupled a 2.5m upgraded fusion reactor to a solid state generator, and a 2.5m magnetic nozzle. Thrust generated per reactor fuel used: D/T: 23 kN D/H3: 22.25 kN H3: 28 kN Is this by design? If so, how can I change it? I'm baffled. This is ruining the mid-game for me.
  5. Yeah, mine only works in space. With really, really, REALLY low levels of thrust. Not fun at all to use. So, guys.... any idea as to how to make the magnetic nozzles have more thrust?
  6. Alright, any way to buff the Magnetic Nozzle thrust? I liked the convenience of high thrust and ISP of the thermal rockets when coupled with upgraded fusion reactors. Yeah, not very realistic, so the magnetic nozzles are a good idea. But c'mon. These thrust levels are brutally low. Show stopper for me. So, is there any way to edit .cfg files to increase the thrust level? I tried playing with a few parameters, but I don't really know what I'm doing there, so no big surprise that I failed.
  7. Ok, I'm trying to do this, but I can't for the life of me find the damn part files! Here's a snapshot of my "strut" directory: No KWDecouplerShroud anywhere on the KSP folder.
  8. Guys, I'm having a problem here. I just started a Science Sandbox game, using the latest unofficial release of Interstellar, 32 bits. But it seems that all parts are defaulted to their upgraded selfs from the beginning. For example, the heat radiators start as graphene. This kills the progression. What can I do?
  9. No, my lander was still in orbit of Duna. And as soon as I switched the Kerbin dish focus to Duna, it could transmit to my other sattelites around Duna and relay back to my lander. And no, the lander was not blocked by Duna.
  10. Thanks! I needed to set my KSC geostationary dish to Duna. I had it set to the active craft, thinking that the angle would cover the other ones on the same system, I guess that isn't the case.
  11. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've put 3 satellites around Duna, so that I can beam science back to Kerbin from the surface without having to lug around bit antennas on every craft. Each of those satellites has a big dish pointed at Kerbin, and seem to work fine, I can control them, etc. Also, each has a omni antenna, the one with the bigger range, so that I can relay that control back to any lander I have on the planet. But that isn't working. I can't beam science back, it says I'm not connected. I'm in range of the satellites on Duna, they have the white lines showing I'm in range. Can I do this? Use dish to call home and relay that signal locally using omni antennas? Please help!
  12. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong, but adding those lines to the part doesn't work for me.
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