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Sorry for not posting in a long time, I had quite some stuff going on with my studies. In what situation is the button not working? It should work when a connection was successfully established. Have you allowed incoming connections for KSP on your firewall like I wrote in the first post? - - - Updated - - - Thank you very much for the kind words. Unfortunately I was very busy and could not continue refining it. I also don't know where to go with the limits of using Telemachus (don't get me wrong, it is an amazing mod, but it has it's limits and problems). I would be really nice to get all the data directly from KSP, and also stuff like target vector, maneuver vector, time to burn, burn time and deltaV. Unfortunately the dev of Telemachus said he doesn't has time to continue developing it. It is the first thing I ever made in Javascript so I'm surprised that you consider the code being good. Last edit: I modified the first post to add the source code on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/QtmiHBXa Copy it into a new text file, rename it to .html and play around with it.
How to reproduce [v1.0.1]: 1. Enter VAB or SPH (Create a new ship) 2. select any root part 3. attach some other part to it (like an SAS module or fuel tank) 4. select "Offset (2)" 5. Switch to "Action Groups" 6. select any part result: 1. the part's action group features show in menu 2. offset arrows are shown and part can be moved (I don't think this is intended nor necessary, but confusing for inexperienced players) This isn't necessarily a bug nor is it game breaking, but I don't think this should happen. It could confuse people because things are happening where currently nothing should happen and it distracts from the actual action group UI. It can also lead to unwanted part movement while trying to select parts and problems of selecting parts because they are covered by the offset arrows.
Sorry for the late reply, I was quite busy. I have no idea so far, I'll run it in Firefox and see, what happens. I've developed it with Chrome, so maybe firefox handles something differently... As for the flickering, I think the problem is, that every 'client' request the data on its own from Telemachus. I think this chokes up Telemachus/KSP. I'll have to look more into Websockets and maybe talk to the Telemachus dev to see if there is anything I can do. Reducing the refresh rate might help... I'll soon upload everything to Curse and Git so that it is easier to check the source code.
Thanks a lot! I'll soon put it onto curse and the source to github. One of the next features I'm thinking about is a docking mode, similar to NavyFish's Docking Port Alignment Indicator (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43901-0-23-5-Docking-Port-Alignment-Indicator-(Version-4-0-Updated-06-29-14)). I'll have to see if I can get all the data I need from Telemachus...
Hello Everyone, I would like to present to you a small project I've been working on. Primary Flight Display My Primary Flight Display for Telemachus. It is a html5-Page that should be usable on everything with a modern webbrowser. Download: http://d-h.st/BFe Some explanation: You need to have the Telemachus Plugin installed! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24594-0-24-2-%282014-9-14%29-Telemachus-%E2%80%93-Telemetry-and-Flight-Control-in-the-Web-Browser It consists of several subscreens. On first launch it will try to connect to localhost-IP and standard Telemachus port (, which only works when KSP is running on the same machine. When the connection fails, the settings menu will open: Here you can change the IP&Port, the connection rate in milliseconds, and the color scheme. Simply click on the button with the name/value in it. Colors require valid rgb input, something like 255,255,255 (r,g,. When the input was in a wrong format all colors will be reset to default to prevent the page from braking. Use MS Paint or whatever to get the numbers for your colors. I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a nice way to implement a color-picker. Next to each color button is another button to change back to default color. Close the settings by clicking the small X-Button on the top right of the settings overlay. You can always access the settings menu by clicking the "CON"-Button on the top left of the Display. You can change the subscreen by clicking titles with a [+] on the right sidebar and revert to the previous display by clicking the title with [-] subscreens are: mixed display attitude control information orbit display and status display attitude control requires Mechjeb 2 installed on KSP. If you don't have Mechjeb, the PFD will still work but all buttons to change the attitude wont do anything. But you can still toggle lights, gear, etc and action groups. Known issues so far: if the site can't read any values, you have to allow incoming connections for ksp.exe or ksp_x64.exe on port 8085 on your firewall. It is necessary so that the site can subscribe the the data via Telemachus Websocket. it is my first html5/javascript project, so there will be bugs. I'm pretty sure my code is not optimized and should not be used as an example on how to make a proper website. I just wanted it to work. The site might be a bit slow on older computers, adjust the connection rate if it seems to be to heavy, because it uses quite a lot of variables and has to draw many things. Connection Rates lower than 100 or 150ms can result in strange camera shaking in KSP. It is a bug of Telemachus. the prograde and retrograde markers might be off under circumstances I haven't encountered so far. I use the change in longitude and latitude to calculate the heading and the horizontal and vertical speed to calculate pitch. I haven't found a way to calculate it based on the orbital parameters, which would be better. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it! I also haven't found a way to calculate target position, so right now I can't show target markers. That would require even more fancy orbital calculations. Getting the current usage of resources, like liquid fuel and so on seems to be broken as well in Telemachus. So I calculate it on my own. When the game is paused, you don't get usefull readings, same with pro and retrograde markers. Currently it only works when the game is running. the orbit display might show the wrong orbit, if the orbit is hyperbolic (escape orbit), I'll try to fix it as soon as possible. Elliptic orbits are fine though. All those are only minor issues (I think), I'll try to fix them when I find a way to do so. I took my inspiration from the awesome Simian UI Montage from the designer Kristoffer Brady. Check it out: http://bytheodore.com/projects/simian-ui I welcome comments, suggestions, bugreports and hints how to optimize my code. I put the source code up on pastebin (since it is only one html file). You can find it here: http://pastebin.com/QtmiHBXa License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Thanks, I have to do some finishing touches, then I plan to release it here in the forums. I just have to find the right place because it is more like a mod of a mod... As it is my first programming in years and my very first in html5/javascript, I'm a bit hesitant because I know my coding is bad... I've released a first version of it in the "Tools and Applications" Forum http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94850-Multiplattform-Primary-Flight-Display-an-alternative-Interface-for-Telemachus Have a look if you're interested. And sorry Rich for Highjacking your thread. Many thanks for your amazing plugin and your help!
The 0.25 Waiting Room, now boarding passengers heading to Hypetown
rob3110 replied to Rowsdower's topic in KSP1 Discussion
a question regarding the new explosions, will there be different explosions for different parts? Like a big fireball for full fuel tanks, a small fireball but more debries for structural parts? -
I finished my first version for the PFD, it looks like this: It also has its own small settings menu to change the IP, the Data-Rate and the colors! I'm quite happy for my very first html5 project Thanks for your help! By the way Rich, it seems there is some kind of gimbal lock issue with the way you calculate pitch, heading and roll. When the pitch gets larger than ~87° (or smaller than ~-87°) the pitch suddenly is set to 90° (or -90°) and the roll is set to 0°. The same with rawpitch and rawroll. It's not important when flying a spaceplane, but really obvious when flying a rocket.
Hello, maybe someone can help me with my problem. I try to create a Primary Flight Display with an artificial horizon, altitude, speed and some more indicators as a html5 page that is supposed to run on a different computer (in Chrome). I try to access the telemachus data via websocket, but it doesn't seem to work. my code in javascript I use for testing: So from my understanding it should connect to the websocket, when connected subscribe to the altitude value, and when receiving data print it in the browsers log. Because of the subscription telemachus should send a constant stream of altitude data that gets printed in the log. Right? What happens: When I open the page on a different computer in the local network: nothing happens (I can open the telemachus page in my browser via from this computer and I can open specific date via and it gives me the JSON-data) When I open the page on the same computer that runs KSP with the localhost IP ( nothing happens When I open the page on the same computer that runs KSP with the actual local IP ( The browser log shows: (so apparently it connects, fails to subscribe, returns a null message and closes the connection) Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks for the help.
[WIP - alpha] KSC interior parts for cinematics
rob3110 replied to rob3110's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
I'll have a look. My roadmap sofar consists of: - creating and refining the basic building blocks for the structures - creating furniture and decorations, like desks, chairs, cabinets, lockers... at this point I could/might add stuff similar to what you can see in the shorts - ??? I don't have as much time working on this mod right now, because I'm close to the final project of my aerospace-engineer degree... -
Hello everyone, I'd like to show my first mod (WIP), which aims to add some interior parts that resemble the visual stile of the KSC. It is aimed to be used for cinematics (like kerbals walking through hallways and rooms), for guys like Bob Fitch and EnterElysium. I've just finished the first set of basic parts, like walls, floors, stairs, windows and doors, to see, if anyone considers this useful and whether I make additional stuff or not. Everyone can take and modify the files (meshes are dae-files and can be opened in blender, textures are png-images), as long credit is given to this thread. The parts can be assembled via the attachment nodes. Because I used a lot (really a lot) of them, I also included a practical TNK - Temporary Node Killer in form of an orange cube to temporarily disable unwanted nodes. Here are some images: light colored structures dark colored structures Screenshot from the VAB... ... and the attachment-node chaos and the Download (RAR-File, drop everything in GameData-Folder) v0.1 http://d-h.st/bBx - improved textures (added gradients for shadows) - hopefully improved attachment behaviour first release: http://d-h.st/8QH It is my first mod and my first forum post in this section, please help me improve and feel free to comment! Greetings, Rob
I live in one of the bigger cities in germany with a fair amount of light pollution and you can still easily spot satellites and the iss during starry nights. they appear as bright as the brightest stars, even with the full moon in the sky. Satellites and Stations reflect a fair amount of light. most satellites are wrapped in golden foil to reflect sunlight to prevent overheat, and they have large solar panels which also reflect light... of course they fade away when entering the shadow of the earth. venus, mars and jupiter are even brighter, they are visible even at dusk and dawn when you can hardly see any stars, so imho it would be more realistic to be able to see crafts and planets als bright dots even if their actual size would be to small to see them directly. the amount of reflected light depends on the surface area and the albedo of an object, it would require a lot of change to the part-files to implement this and this could break (older) mods, but maybe this could be aproximated with the mass of the craft and a general average albedo, because most parts are white and light grey anyway. It doesn't need to be perfectly correct in ksp, it should just look nice. Of course an objects becomes less visible with bigger distance, so based on the mass of an obect the, general albedo and weather it is iluminated by kerbol or not the absolute magitude could be calculated, and based on its distance to the viewer the apparent magitude. the naked eye can see objects with a magitude of 6mag at clear nights, and as kerbin has no weather, cities and light pollution (at least right now) a clear night can be assumed. in cities objects with a magnitude of 4mag can be seen. i haven't found values for visibility in space, but I guess 6mag is a acceptable value. So far there is no implementation of HDR in ksp, so a spacecraft would be visible even next to a planet or moon. When something like HDR gets implemented the magnitude of everything is needed anyway, so it would not create aditional problems or unrealistic behavior. Last but not least, I would really like to see my spacestations, ships and debris while approaching them from further distances and see my gps-satellites flying overhead my munar base, and not only a yellow crosshair as its representation... edit: some values of magnitudes of objects in space viewed from earth to show that spacecraft are rather bright; lower means brighter: The iss has a magnitude of -5.9mag in the nightsky, which is even brighter than the maximum magnitude of venus ("the morningstar", -4.89mag). Satellite flares (light reflecting in the solar panels) reach magnitudes up to -9.5mag, while the brightest star has a magnitude of -3.99. Full moon has a magnitude of -12.92mag, the sun -26.74mag. This is not a linear scale, but yet, satellites and the iss can be a lot brighter than the brightest stars in the nightsky. So it is wrong to say crafts would be rather faint! Nevertheless, I'm talking more about the visibility of objects in space, not from kerbin. edit 2: typo
I think it would be nice if other crafts would be visible even if they are more then 2km away. The crafts out of render-distance could be replaced by small glowing white dots (at least when the craft is iluminated by the light of kerbol), and those dots would fade away with increasing distances. This would imitate the reflection of sunlight. I imagine it like seeing a satellite or the iss from earth, it looks like a fast moving, bright star. maybe the closest planets could also be seen like this, a small red dot for duna, a small purple dot for eve and so on. For reference, the free 3d-planetarium program celestia does this quite nicely! Maybe the yellow indicator for a non-selected craft nearby would only be visible for closer distances, like 10km or so, or could be turned on/off in the settings-menu. A selected target on the other hand should still be indicated, of course! what do you guys think? greetings from germany