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Everything posted by Banpower1

  1. i'm sorry if i came off offensive, i really like the mod and it looks very VERY cool, i was just pointing out that the warp drive doesn't save "some" delta-v it saves a whole lot, around 3k dV to transfer between two celestial bodies, which can be done over and over at will, without refuel. I was just hoping to start a discussion on how to make the warp drive a thing that you would use "late game" and not something that makes newcomers like me able to jump around the solar system from the first craft created. I was thinking something like having to do an initial science upgrade to upgrade it from not working to working? that way you have to get some science done as minimum? and also i was considering if science shouldn't diminish when you research the same area/orbit for a long while? (like in real life there is only so much you can "science" on when visiting a single new planet) that way you have to visit a lot of planets to "unlock" warp drive, and then you can use it to cut down traveling that you already succeeded? with the .22 update things should be more sensible though anyways, just some ideas about the mod, from some new eyes (yes my craft contained stuff it shouldn't i just slapped stuff on a rocket to see how it worked, and then i found that it worked a little too well in my taste, and had a potential to work better, in my opinion)
  2. I can redo it again live on twitch if you want me to (for the 3rd time (1st for self proof, 2nd for recording it)) Also going to do a fresh install just to make sure i didn't do something wrong EDIT: completely clean install (nothing but this mod) and it takes me half a day standing on the Kerbin Space Center Launchpad, to generate enough Exotic Matter for a single 0.10c jump (using the 3.75m parts all the way through) and didn't use any fuel hacks, since i didn't even need to launch... EDIT2 - corrected derp, naming exotic matter wrong
  3. uhm what? it took me a single orbit, at 110km height around kerbin to generate enough for the first warp, and after that things escalate quickly with timewarping... Here is the link: http://youtu.be/RPt2YyZEutc (and yes i forgot infinite fuel, but it doesnt run on fuel, and i detached all fuel tanks...)
  4. I'm only using this: RTG(stock) (x3), Gigantor XL Solar Array(Stock) (x4) (never unfolded), PPD-12 Cupola Module(stock), Science Laboratory (Idle all the time), 3.75m "Aegletes 2" Nuclear Reactor, 3.75m Electric Generator, 3.75m Antimatter Reactor, Advanced S.A.S. Module, Large (Stock) (x3), 3.75m Alcubierre Drive, Huge Heat Radiator (x4). total weight is around 133t which can be lifted in a single rocket, if you know how to design big lifters, another option could be using docking ports and assembly in orbit. Give me 2 minutes and I'll link a video showing how i transfered from LKO to Laythe(Jool) EDIT: no i did not use any advanced aero breaking techniques or any other magic, simple use of how orbiting works.
  5. Uhm, this mod is not as "not OP" as Scott Manley said, i can launch a space station only containing a command pod, solarpanels, SAS modules and parts from this mod (focused on making it warp drive capable) and i can zoom across the solar system and land orbits around any planet, the "aiming straight at planet" tactic is just not doing it correct. I would love to go over how to correct that with you, Fractal_UK, if you would like.
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