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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It would really crush me if one of my rockets didn't work, or worse yet if one of my astronauts got killed!
  2. I find the usefulness of jets decreases pretty quickly with the bigger ships.
  3. Thanks guys. Yeah, my TWR was actually right around 1.4 on that rocket. Finally, any way to change the status to "answered"?
  4. On probes I always like to have a couple of the "flat" single cell panels pointing all 6 directions. That way if there is some type of screw up I should still have a little bit of power coming in to, say, start the engines.
  5. I've been playing for a while but here is a problem that seems to keep creeping up. I will ascend to 10km, start my gravity turn to 45 degrees and my vertical acceleration will just die. My horizontal speed will shoot up very quickly and I'll end up just moving horizontally, usually perpendicular to the ground. Sometimes my vertical speed actually decreases. I thought this was only a problem with my larger rockets but I've started to have problems with my more modest sized ones as well. I'm running Flight Engineer, so I can tell the V vs. H speed. I also have a pretty cromulent TWR (1.5+). I've found that this problem is not so bad if I wait until I'm at 20k to do the turn, but I know that crazy inefficent. I was wondering if anybody has a more scientific explanation about what is happening/what I can do about it. An example of a rocket I'm having trouble with, MK1 Tug 1 Jets to 8.5k/ ~ 250 m/s 2 Skipper to appo 3 T45 to circularize
  6. Just picked up v .22. I'm loving it! I'm just curious, how do I put the ribbon signatures in? I created them but for the life of me I can't figure out how to edit my sig.
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