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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm really loving this update as well. It's nice not having every part available from the beginning. I'm really looking forward to see how the career mode evolves over time.
  2. Wow, those look really great! Awesome work!
  3. I really like how career mode has changed the way I play. Before I would just piece together whatever I felt like at the time. Now in career mode I find myself really thinking more about what I'm building since the parts I have access too is limited. I'm really enjoying it.
  4. Been a long time fan and supporter of KSP. Figured it was time I said said hi. Really love the latest update. Keep up the awesome work!
  5. I love the builds you made! Thank you so much for sharing.
  6. Thanks! I was worried it was something I was doing wrong.
  7. Thanks for the welcome and the tips! Much appreciated!
  8. Forgive me if this is a totally noob question or if I\'m posting this in the wrong section of the forum. I am very new to KSP, only been playing for about a week. Basically what is happening is whenever I build a ship using a module that came from a mod, once I go to launch there is no crew in the capsule, even though the description shows that it has a capacity of 3. I am currently using KSP .16. It seems to happen on any mod I try, Kosmos, the Deep Space one, Gemini capsule, etc. I really feel like I\'m missing the obvious. I\'ve tried searching to see if I can find anything else similar and I\'m just not finding anything. Is there something else I need to do to get the crew to show up? I feel that it\'s something obvious that I\'m missing. Thanks for any help.
  9. Looks great! By any chance are there any other mods you\'re using? When I try to load the craft file I get an error telling me it can\'t find 'basekitSideMount' and not sure what that\'s from.
  10. Thanks for sharing, looks nice. I am having a slight problem, most likely on my part since I\'m so new to this. I installed the mechjeb v1.9 addon but when I attempt to load your ship I get a pop-up saying 'Craft Mk2 was lot loaded because it had the following parts missing: mumech.hullcam'. Hopefully with some more digging I can figure out what I\'m doing wrong.
  11. Hi everyone. A friend told me about this game yesterday. I downloaded the demo and was instantly hooked and ended up buy the full version. So far all I\'ve been able to do is launch and then splash down. Haven\'t quite figured out orbiting yet. My first big goal is to be able to orbit. Next big goal is to survive landing on the Mun and the return trip as well.
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