Hi guys, I decided to test this a little. We already know once debris is out of the 2.5km range and going down it is automatically deleted. Even with persistent debri on, once on "rails" its gone. What I did was put a goo and a radial chute on a radial decoupler. I then deorbited my vessel to 30km Periapsis, released the decoupler(firing the chute in the same stage), then raised my vessel Periapsis back up to 70km. Then I switched over to the "Debri" with the goo/chute and watched it go down. The chute deployed normally and I was able to recover the science after it landed nice and softly So it is possible, just boring as you have to watch it all the way down. I'll try another test later releasing a bunch at the same time to see if they all survive. They should as long as they're all within the 2.5km limit eh?