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Somewhere Simulated

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Posts posted by Somewhere Simulated

  1. So what, if I send a rocket somewhere, and have other things to do while it's suposed to arive it'll crash because I had real life things to do?

    No thanks.

    Besides, that wouldn't add anything since we have timewarp. All it would do is force the game to run on the background and eat up resources.

    If you want this, just never turn of your game

    Sirrobert - This is why I mentioned you would plan maneuvers in advance for orbital burn in advance so you have no crashing rockets. Also, you wouldn't be running the game in the background. It would just take the time you startup the game and update the positions each time you log on in real-time. Amram has the idea of what I was getting at and it wasn't to keep the game running the whole time, just update the objects each time you start up the game against a real clock.

  2. I was wondering if Squad ever considered doing real-time persistence while the user is offline using real-time? You could launch satellites, probes, etc. and have them move in real time when you are offline and set up an actual calendar for launches, landings, etc. I know this could be done with time warp, just thought it would be cool to have your persistent world move forward at 1x when you are away from the computer. Once a rocket has reached orbit of another body, the user would schedule a maneuver so if they are away from the computer the spacecraft would be in an orbit they set up during their last log on.

    This could also incorporate into the VAB by adding time segments to parts so you have to wait for rockets to be assembled before they are launched. You could then have multiple launch pads and/or VAB buildings to construct rockets and launch at various assembly windows.

  3. Firstly, I want to thank the dev team for making such a creative and addicting game. I kind of jumped on this late, but am getting up to speed the past couple weeks on this program.

    I have one suggestions on your tech tree....

    Add the Nose Cone to your first level under Aerodynamic. This will make it so we can create rockets that are not dependent on command module and can start with basic rocketry before submitting Kerbals to our abuse of initial rocket development. I think the command module should be moved to perhaps the third tier and perhaps move the stayputnik to the second. This way you have a natural progression of challenges etc. on the rocketry tree.

    Thanks again for taking input. Look forward to future updates.

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