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Everything posted by Rathlord

  1. No it doesn't. C does two things for me: 1) Shows you the inside of the cockpit, which is worthless. You can barely see and can't right click things for functionality. 2) Goes back to the normal outside view, where rotation of the ship is NOT tied to rotation of the camera.
  2. Heya guys, I've owned the game for a while now, but this is my first post here. I did some looking around and noticed that camera controls are in the 'do not suggest' thread, so I won't post this as a suggestion- more as feedback. The camera, when combined with the ship controls, are breaking this game for me in a serious way. Especially with symmetrical ships, it's almost impossible to know which side is up without making it asymmetrical in some way (which I'd rather not do, anyways). It's awkward and somewhat silly that the game has no way of letting the controls be relevant to the player's viewpoint. This could be solved in two seemingly simple ways: 1) Allow the camera to rotate with the ship such that up would always be camera up. I would give an arm and a leg to have this as a function. You'd still be able to zoom in and out, but the rotation would match ship rotation. This would go SO far in making this game playable for me. 2) Allow a checkbox that would tie the controls to the camera, such that no matter which way the ship was, pressing "w" would make your nose point towards the top of the screen. It just seems so silly not to have this as an option. This game is already great and looks like it has fantastic potential, but as long as the controls are this bad there's no way I'm going to be able to dedicate any serious time to it. I'm sure many of you will pipe up and say "oh you can get used to it if you sink enough time into it" and that may well be true. But logically speaking, that is not an argument against having functional and intuitive controls, especially with the masses of newer people trying the game now that it's on Steam. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to feedback.
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