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Everything posted by Kaibear

  1. Today I had two spaceships for flying to Mun but in the Orbit I noticed that my fuel was way to less, unfortunatley I could build a full orbit with the ships. So how to rescue them and bring them back to Kerbin, so they are not stranded in space? EVA from the spaceship and stand behind your spaceship and use the force of the Jetpack to lower your orbit as you want. If your jetpack fuel goes near zero, reenter your spaceship and let your Kerb' fill the jetpack and do the same again. This tactics rescued to of my finest astronauts!
  2. Dear community & developers, first of all: Thank you for this awesome game and the feeling around it. After a lot of playing KSP I did my first Mun-landing after a 2h session in Voice-Chat with one of my best friends, who was like Mission Control and me as the Flight Captain. It was a great feeling to land on another planet. And I am excited what comes next. But my intention of this suggestion is: Wouldn't it be great to implement some sort of asteroid belt or periodicly appearing comets? For Science! And for extra thrill for getting into the outer rings of the kerbal solar system! I once saw a Scott Manley Video where he implemented something like this as a model. If it would be implemented, the system also gets more "realistic" (depends on the existence of asteroid belts in other solar systems out in the galaxy. Maybe our Jupiter produced this as a rare result).
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