Hope I've not missed this if it has already been suggested... I think it would be good if the "Rewards" section of a contract could, after completion, be replaced by (example): ---- Achieved By Vessel: "Jeb&I 1" Mission Flag: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8NlTTa7T2T2alAyS2g0OGg5Zk0 Crew: Desely Kerman ---- My inspiration for this: I kept this kind of info in .23.5 by planting a mission flag ahead of each launch/flight on the hexagonal edge of the Launch area, and noting the vessel name, crew compliment and mission objectives. After completion, I edited the entry in the save file with mission achievements/failures and if the objectives were not met, the launch aborted or crew MIA/KIA, I would amend the flag to include indicators of this. Oh and sorting the seemingly random rotation of the flag, as the Kerbal seemed to suit himself how to place it. This went swimmingly, I thought, until twenty missions in, five flags vanished. (Turns out a falling booster had destroyed them) The "Previous Missions Walk of Fame" looked real purdy, but it's an awful lot of faffing around.