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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I figured as much but thought I'd ask and hope for the best. Nothing is ever that simple. I've vaporized a lot of little green dudes to learn that!
  2. I don't suppose that this is as simple as a module manager cfg? And if so, would you be willing to share it?
  3. This is quite possibly the greatest thing (and most Kerbal in spirit) to come out of the modding community for this game, and that is saying something. I love it.
  4. Great! Like the black box on an airliner. I can just hear alarms and klaxons, and Jeb screaming "Get in the black box! It's indestructible!" as all hell breaks loose. You DID make it indestructible, right? RIGHT?
  5. Well, it seems to me that John.E's judgement wasn't inclusive to the whole community, but more to the entitled "minecraft forums" types. I refuse to believe that this entire community is full of those, as I know better. Maybe you should re-evaluate your own opinion of this community... Just a thought. Anyways, I eagerly await ISA's return as well, but I can do other things while I wait. Check out SCANsat in the addon dev forum if your desperate for a mapper plugin. It's coming along pretty nicely, IMHO.
  6. This looks fantastic! I know what I'm doing for the next several hours...
  7. That is so very appropriately Kerbal-esque.
  8. I think this has a lot of potential. It would make a great match for kethane, orbital construction, or any of the life support mods. I also like the idea of sleeping quarters and labs and stuff.
  9. I love this thread. I've had this problem, too. Although I took the "Double the Jeb, Double the Awesome" mindset. Until I docked at my station the first three were inhabiting with a ship carrying the other three and they ALL disappeared. Now, I subscribe to the Kerbal/Anti-Kerbal theory of mutual annihilation.
  10. If it takes you 1000's or even hundreds of orbits to map with ISA, you need to change your orbits. Also, make sure you only have one mapsat part on your craft, as that causes issues. Otherwise it still works great for me in v0.19.1. That being said, it IS always great to have more choices and ISA hasn't been updated in a while. And you are learning a valuable skill at the same time. Good on ya! As for suggestions, make the map zoomable if possible, maybe with a bookmark system of some kind for easy reference to good landing sites for convenience. Also, maybe talk to the kethane guys and see about integrating kethane scanning, too, I guess. I look forward to giving it a try when you release it, whatever features you decide to implement.
  11. Since I have keptin\'s permission, and until he releases his, here\'s my SAS.
  12. With keptin\'s permission, I\'ll post my little modmod of his stack decoupler as a SAS module. I\'ll only post it if keptin say\'s its cool though. I used the mesh for his decoupler and reworked the config, and also the SAS module is a nice blue color. (cue Ooohs and Ahhhs ) I kinda wanted a good SAS for it, and its my first real mod attempt. I\'m gonna start playing around with blender I think...
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