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cpt rusco

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. im working on an update to add them And to fix the bugs.
  2. yeah I like that that idea. I was also thinking of doing starbug
  3. lol yeah thought I’d mix it up a bit. No I haven\'t fixed it just yet, struggling to be honest. Just can’t work out why its so top heavy. Going to have to make some RCS thrusters for it I think.
  4. Thanks for pointing that out. I didn\'t see that. Sorry :-[
  5. yeah thats what I was thinking. Im playing around with that at the moment. let me know what you change wont you, could do with a few tips. Thanks for the feedback. I will make a v1.5.
  6. yeah I find it hard to fly as well. lol. ill have to update this make it a bit easer, sorry :-[. Keep the SAS on and dont max the engins.
  7. It seems to be working now. Must have been mediafire.
  8. haha that looks amazing. nice work.
  9. Sorry mate it’s not quite ready. It will be soon though. Promise ;D
  10. very close its about 15M so not massive. Thinking about it I probably should have made it bigger. Yeah I do have plans after this to make a viper and maybe a Raptor. And then maybe cylon raider.
  11. Thanks guys for the welcome and comments. Yeah Satellife. Maybe able to make it jump using Foamyesque instant orbit mod....maybe. Not sure how that works though. Im sure it will make it to Earth
  12. Hi everyone well I’m happy with my first project..... I think Battlestar Kerlatica is ready to protect the Kerbals from the evil Kylons. Keratica is made up of 7 parts: CIC, Bridge. RCS fuel tank, no thruster though. (will work on that.) Launch bays for Vipers and Raptors. Vipers sold separately Struts to connect the main body with Launch bays Main fuel tank with a dump load of fuel to make the journy to Earth Main engine. A warning though you may want to keep the SAS active. you will see why. DOWNLOAD: http://www./?89dghabyhkvx2g2 Thanks and have fun 8) ps thanks to GoDamitt for the name
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