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Everything posted by Zwer.ch

  1. Just curious, is there any thread that has a "best answer" yet ? All I see is threads with "awaiting best answer" ...
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I put additional winglets at the bottom so CoL is below CoM and I got this thing to orbit. It flies like a bucket of rusty nails, but it worked I'm still wondering why the tri-coupler adds so much directional lift ...this does not feel right? The force of direction is always the same, no matter how I rotate the tri-coupler.
  3. Hello all, recently I started a new career game with FAR enabled, quite a different experience Now I stumbled about a phenomenon where I'm a bit stuck (or just blind). When adding a tri-coupler to a vessel, the VAB lift indicator shows a strong sidewards lift. Consequently the vessel is starting to veer of its course soon after launch, which ends up in a wild spin and disassembly. I put in some images into an album, maybe that helps a bit: Is this an intended behaviour? If so, what are the means to counteract this? With respect to FAR, I don't understand why the tri-coupler posseses such a strong lift force in exactly one direction. Rotating the tri-coupler leads to the same lift indication Any help appreciated
  4. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much payload for what do you need the fantastillion of RCS fuel you carry around? If you compare your upper stage / lander section with Frank's lander in this post, differences are clear. Keep it light and simple, carry only what you need to carry. Each ton you add to your lander equals a multiple tons in the lower stages. Try out Kerbal Engineering Redux. It shows you all required details of your vessel, most importently the dV it can do.
  5. ...to pack my parachutes on a rescue vessel Finally as I got the stranded Kerbal aboard I saw the need to launch another rescue vessel, this time with chutes
  6. I'd say leave the fuel lines completely away for now. I don't know if this is an attempt for asparagous staging, but in any case you might experience an uneven flame-out of the engines, causing spins. On top: this craft looks either heavily over-engineered (if used to get from LKO to Mun), or under-engineered, if used to launch directly from KSC. The LV-909 makes a bad atmospheric launch engine due to the low thrust and low atmospheric ISP (compared to e.g. the T30/T45 engines).
  7. Some test require to activate the part by staging, others require them to run the "run test" action in the part's context menu. Check for the contracts notes (the light blue plus sign) inflight, or in the mission control.
  8. Did you start your recent game in 'career' mode? If you started it in 'Science' or 'Sandbox' mode, then there won't be any contracts and reputation.
  9. Exactly. In the past I pursued my own goals and with .24 I basically started out the same way. Some contracts are actually pretty easy to integrate in the known patterns and I like to look out for them to skim them off. But there are also a lot of contracts which require a dedicated mission. I like that too and I'm now looking for ways to at least more than one contract/experiment with a single experimental flight. There are also some nice rewards offered, so it's worth to postpone a "classic" Mun flight to due some research
  10. I got a contract to test an LV-1, which is a stageable engine. The contract asked specifically to perform the test with the "run test" action. Maybe it's related to the second requirement: it had to be done in orbit around Kerbin.
  11. I started 0.24 today and 4/6 of my contracts are from R&D to test some simpel stuff like "LT-45 on Kerbin landed", which basically is done with launching the vessel
  12. Simple: launch a rescue mission In the meantime, let your Kerbal enjoy the view
  13. Look here: http://ribbons.cgagnier.ca/index.php
  14. What kind of stuff? What's your intention for the station? Lithobraking will most likely destroy it. To get into a suborbital trajectory you need to reduce speed ...If the station has no engines/RCS onboard, you'd need to push it with another craft. I don't know if pushing by EVA will do the trick here, else you'd need some kind of space bulldozer ..
  15. Two options: a) the science data is stored in its experiment (i.e. within the Goo container). It doesn't matter if it's processed by the MPL or not*, it will still be present in the Goo container. If you return on planning only your capsule w/o the Goo container, then EVA to the Goo container and click on it. You get an option to take the experiment data out. When entering back into the capsule, all data taken by your Kerbal will be stored in the capsule. you explicitely store experiment data to the MPL, i.e. a surface example your Kerbal has in it's hands. That's only possible by EVA though. Taking it back to the capsule is the same as in a) No, doesn't matter at all. Only reason to take the MPL with you when planning for return-trips is to clean-out the Goo container and the SC-9001 lab. I.e. you can visit with a single Goo container and the MPL different Mün biomes. To do so, observe the Goo in a biome, take the data out of it, store it in the capsule and clean-out/reset the Goo container with the MPL. Given the high weight of the MPL, you'd just take more Goo containers with you instead Cheers, -Z * note: you don't need to transfer any experiment content to the MPL for processing, as long as the experiment is attached to the MPL's vessel.
  16. I found the PreciseNode mod to be useful in both changing the conics mode and in finetuning my encounters. Setting the conics mode to '0' plots the flight path after the encounter around the new SOI body ...which in turn you can focus on PreciseNode can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47863-0-23-PreciseNode-0-7-5-Interplanetary-Maneuver-Node-Assistant
  17. 4 replies within less than 120 seconds ...this is Kerbal Ninja Program
  18. You'd need to go orbital and in best case to Mun or Minmus to rake up your science score. The farther away from KSC you perform science experiments, the greater the multiplicator is. The wiki has a list of celectial body modifyers: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Science To gain more science per trip, shoot for the other science experiments first in the tech tree
  19. Kerbal Alarm Clock keeps a certain (tweakable) amount of save games at hand ...lets me rest better
  20. Would you mind sharing some pictures of the craft which can't go beyond 1000m ?
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