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Ah, got it. This seems relevant - Or some related light reading here - https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/19970022700
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Something like this https://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS/tutorials/pidloops.html ?
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Sorry for the delay, out of town for a bit. I've checked, and the 2 MA files I posted earlier now seem to work. Also tried out the number of parallel threads and it seems good - both from checking task monitor as well as seeing that init sped up pretty noticeably. Thanks for both of those.
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For me it is maybe 5 seconds? From the output window - (15:11:50) Beginning mission script optimization... (15:11:54) Iteration Fcn-Count f(x)-Value Feasibility Optimality Norm. Step (15:11:54) 0 8 8.31191e+07 3.54e+15 NaN NaN
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hmm, weird. For my setup, I just loaded the file and hit control-R. After a step or two it gave the error. Let me know if there's anything other info I can grab to help repro it.
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MA file for the RAAN problem - http://www.mediafire.com/file/y3bmpcs3bh5zia9/file For me a simple ctrl+R shows the problem, as does ctrl+O then optimize. Another one I just found, this time an example of "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals." MA file - http://www.mediafire.com/file/fo4y7zf50rnzm8y/file log - http://www.mediafire.com/file/yddjsu077083htu/file For either of these, it could be that I'm doing something wrong so appreciate you taking a look. And thanks for the explanation about the Arg.Pe. question. Makes perfect sense.
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First off, continued thanks for developing KSPTOT - it is a huge help with KSP and even when I'm taking breaks from KSP is it fun to watch the cool improvements in TOT itself. Quick bug report - if I enable optimization for RAAN in the initial states in MA, the optimizer hangs on the "Please wait while the optimizer initializes..." popup and I get an error ding from windows. Clicking X on the popup lets me return to the MA windows. Another which might be a misunderstanding on my part - putting a number into Arg.Peri. in the initial states "edit state" pane and then saving will add it to the true anom. field and reset the Arg.Peri. to 0. Not 100% an expert on orbital mechanics so this could easily be me not knowing what I'm doing. Finally, a request - for parallel workers, let us set the number to start. My issue is that I'm running on a 3900x, and starting up 24 parallel workers takes a good bit of time and memory. I imagine that's well down on the diminishing returns curve, so starting 8 or so might be just as good and not take nearly as long? Again, thanks for all the cool work here, appreciate it.
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Yep, figured that something like that was the case. It wasn't a complaint, just something to explore that might explain what might be going on - see if waiting a bit makes KSPTOT show up.
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I noticed that it does take a long time for KSPTOT to show up the first time I run a new version. Maybe check task manager to see if it is showing up and using CPU time even if the splash screen or gui doesn't show up for a while?
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I re-uploaded it and it now shows as ~338KB. Hopefully that fixes it. Link is the same as before.
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https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8hPVHrmVeDgNnJWbG9iWGo0ZG8 Hopefully I set sharing correctly on the link. Using the file as-is I can either ctrl-O, "Optimize Mission" or just ctrl-R when parallel is turned off. Turning it on gives the error.
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First off, thanks for the tool. It has been really useful for all sorts of crazy missions - at least when I fail I know I was trying something impossible I'm having an issue in the mission architect after enabling Script->Execution Settings->Parallelize Script Optimization. I have an existing set of constraints which run fine but after enabling parallel optimization I get "There was an error optimizing the mission script : Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals" Tested with the latest prerelease linked at the top of the page. I can upload my .mat file if it turns out to be a unique problem - let me know if you can't reproduce it.
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Oh, and one more while I'm thinking of it. Looks like the issue is f(x) going from positive to negative and messing up the middle chart in the Mission Optimizer window. I get this warning early on : Iter F-count f(x) Feasibility optimality step 0 13 -1.818768e-03 0.000e+00 3.318e-01 1 26 3.140060e-03 3.620e+00 8.329e+02 6.792e-02 Warning: Negative data ignored > In optimplotfval>plotscalar (line 48) In optimplotfval (line 24) In ma_OptimOutputFunc>generatePlots (line 76) In ma_OptimOutputFunc (line 22) In ma_ObserveOptimGUI>@(x,optimValues,state)ma_OptimOutputFunc(x,optimValues,state,handles,problem,celBodyData,recorder) (line 76) In callAllOptimOutputFcns (line 13) In barrier>callOutputAndPlotFcns In barrier/nlpInterfaceFcn In barrier In fmincon (line 796) In ma_ObserveOptimGUI>executeOptimProblem (line 93) In ma_ObserveOptimGUI>ma_ObserveOptimGUI_OpeningFcn (line 78) In gui_mainfcn (line 220) In ma_ObserveOptimGUI (line 42) In ma_MissionOptimizerGUI>optimizeMissionButton_Callback (line 577) In gui_mainfcn (line 95) In ma_MissionOptimizerGUI (line 42) In matlab.graphics.internal.figfile.FigFile/read>@(hObject,eventdata)ma_MissionOptimizerGUI('optimizeMissionButton_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) In uiwait (line 81) In ma_MissionOptimizerGUI>ma_MissionOptimizerGUI_OpeningFcn (line 78) In gui_mainfcn (line 220) In ma_MissionOptimizerGUI (line 42) In ma_MainGUI>optimizeMenu_Callback (line 875) In gui_mainfcn (line 95) In ma_MainGUI (line 42) In matlab.graphics.internal.figfile.FigFile/read>@(hObject,eventdata)ma_MainGUI('optimizeMenu_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) 2 39 1.890565e-03 1.947e+00 1.829e+02 5.516e-02 Then at iteration 21 f(x) goes negative again. At that point the Current Function Value chart stops updating even though everything else keeps working. Looks like just a cosmetic bug but figured I'd mention it.
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I'm using the latest 1.5.6 prerelase 3 and get the following when I try to enable script->parallel. Anyone have ideas of what might be wrong? I'm using the Win64 MCR linked in the first post (MCR_R2015b_win64_installer.exe). Error using parpool (line 103) 'size' is not the name of a profile. Valid names are: local Error in ma_MainGUI>parallelizeScriptOptimizationMenu_Callback (line 1361) Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) Error in ma_MainGUI (line 42) Error in matlab.graphics.internal.figfile.FigFile/read>@(hObject,eventdata)ma_Ma inGUI('parallelizeScriptOptimizationMenu_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hOb ject)) Error while evaluating Menu Callback
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