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Everything posted by LightW2

  1. New Science Archives are really impressive!!! Thanks. Great job.
  2. I think this is the only way to interesting gameplay. After all, we are not going for score points - we are going for challenge. To send one way light probe - where is the challenge? Just return home and recover kerbal - also is easy (except from Eve ground). But return home massive science craft - this one really interesting.
  3. It is about more than 500 Science from every biome. It is more than 10 biomes on the Mun...
  4. Career is easy already. If the recovering is not a goal - career is just a kidding play. I agree that we can transmit gravity, seismic data. But surfase samples? Atmosphere samples (analysis)?
  5. Let's share achivements. Who's boss? This is my Dune Expedition: 3238 science P.S. NO mods.
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