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Posts posted by Daddie

  1. Hi,

    I am playing the 1.0 update (fresh install) without any mods. I did a mission to place a sat in a polar orbit. Next I shot a sat to the Mun, brought it to 14K meter to get some science and flew it to an orbit in the solar system. In order to get some more science I fast forward the game for about a year and I noticed the sat that was in polar orbit flew further away from Kerbin. First I thought it was a graphics glitch because I was in the orbit map view for a long time. But when I returned to the space center it said that the first sat was also in orbit with the sun. This is wrong, the sat doesn't even has any rockets and/or engines on it. So I guess fast forward the game for a long period breaks orbits.

    Didn't find a forum to place this topic, so here it is. Maybe a mod could place it in the right forum.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Glad the contract system is in but now the work just begins. In its current state it only generates random missions with random rewards but that doesn't reflects the "grow" the players is experiencing. A mission to plant a flag on the Mun should not happen if you have unlocked the whole science tree.

    In my opinion the missions should be more about changing the current state of the universe. For example:

    Mission one: Send a probe in orbit of the Mun and send some data

    Mission two: Send a kerbal in orbit of the Mun and gather some more advance data

    Mission three: Land a probe on the Mun and send some data

    Mission four: Land a kerbal on the Mun, plant a flag, and gather some rocks

    Mission five: Get the kerbal back to Kerbal

    Mission six: Get a rover on the Mun

    Mission seven: Build a small base on the Mun (Some science stuff)

    Mission eight: Extend the base on the Mun (More advance science stuff)

    Same kinds of missions can be generated for other stuff. Like bringing a satellite into orbit and extending it to a big station in the course of a couple of missions.

    Personally I do not use mods, maybe due to the fact I cannot bother to find out how and I like vanilla games, so I really hope they will incorporate followup missions. Oh and remove the science rewards from those missions. Right now I only accepted missions where I have to test something landed and I have unlocked half the science tree :S

  3. I do not like the "instant" science and data transfer. I would rather see to give a command to research or transmit something which takes x-time to finish. Also the science stuff like the lab and the goo only have one research option. I would like to see more research options per item some of which that can be unlocked when finishing other research, bit like the career mode tree. For example you need to finish some Goo research before other Goo research options are unlocked. Basicly, it should be rewarding to have more stuff in space for a longer ammount of time. Right now I just click research x multiple times and transmit the data to get more science points, it has no time element.

    Another part I miss in the career mode are goals. I would like to see some sort of "quest" I need to undertake, this gives goals to the game. Simple tasks like: Get a sample from Mun and bring it back to Kerbal.

    The career mode is really fun to do and I expect it is just the beginning.. keep up the great work :)

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