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Everything posted by spiritualus

  1. WOW. Yeah, I feel kind of silly right now. Holy crap. Thank you.
  2. Hey forums. I recently picked up KSP again after having not played since... .19? ish? Was interested in trying out the new career mode. I've done a few flights, orbited with my tiny selection of parts and wimpy little launch pad, but I am having a bunch of trouble figuring out how to upgrade my facilities. I'm sure it's something I am looking right past, but I am just not seeing it. Google search hasn't been helpful and the wiki is down at the moment. Anyone care to offer a bit of quick feedback for me? Thanks in advance!
  3. Playing with the graphical settings did the trick. Thanks much.
  4. Aha, so I may be dealing with a bug or graphical snafu of some sort? I'll play around with it and see if I can't make any headway. I just automatically assumed that functionality had been moved.
  5. No, sorry. I should have included that I'm running Win 7.
  6. Hey forums. I just downloaded the latest version of KSP. I haven't really played a whole lot since .21 or so, but I got the itch and fired it up, downloaded all the updates, and went to go make a rocket... only to find that the little text bar at the top of the VAB where I used to be able to name my ships is gone. I poked around a little to no avail. How do I assign a name to my ships now? Sorry for the dumb question, and thanks in advance! Resolved: After cycling some graphical settings, everything is back, happy, and where I remember it. Thanks!
  7. I'm using the download that was provided in the OP. Is there somewhere else I should be looking? Edit: I didn't realize tree loader was an entirely seperate mod that was packaged in with KSPI. Whoops.
  8. Nice to know I am not alone, at least. I was worried because everyone else seems to be posting as if it's working just fine.
  9. Hey, made an account here (rather than just lurking) because I can't get this to work. I followed the readme instructions, and unpacked the gamedata file in KSPInterstellar-v0.7.zip into my main KSP directory. I now have HexCans, WarpPlugin, and TreeLoader files in my gamedata folder, as I would expect. However when I try to start the game I am not prompted at any point to select a tech tree, and never even make it beyond the loading screen. I get the Squad splash screen, the load bar completes, and then I get the little solar system loading icon in the bottom corner, but it just spins endlessly. Removing the mod results in my game working normally. Am I installing incorrectly?
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