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Everything posted by KingMatthew

  1. No, I believe no science is to be had out there. Your probe would have died even if you had solar panels. I sent a probe out really far and the solar panels stopped working.
  2. Yes, you can build bases. That button that says bases is a way to categorize your ships. You can change what category it is in by going to your ship and right clicking the command module.
  3. You could try the other Space center. Im not sure if its larger than the main space center but It is flat. You could also try the north pole. Its just a little bumpy but it should do the trick.
  4. I would try to have the mun landing craft to be light enough to use nuclear engines. That should give you a lot of deltaV so you can do a big hop to get both kerbals with one craft
  5. The best way I found it to get to the mun was to go to about a 100Km orbit. (Make sure you go to the right at launch) When you are in a stable orbit, as soon as the mun comes over the horizon, then you burn! This is how I always get there.
  6. I've been there before but I don't remember it half destroyed like this though. Very cool though. Thanks for the quick replies. Was this part of the arm update?
  7. I was testing a new plane and flew on over to the other airbase. When I got there it looked almost like graveyards in the back of the hangars... When I took my kerbal out I investigated more and they looked more like some old building foundations. Then I went to the tower and found it was all run down! The wall panels fell off and where on the ground. I went up the stairs and found that there is an enclosed area up there! I found this interesting and I didn't see anyone already post about this so I decided too. I would put up pictures but I have no idea how to. Cool stuffs!!!
  8. I wonder, can the claw grab onto other parts? If it can then we might have a "joint" we can use! It would be even better if the claw can rotate 360 degrees around. All we would need is an engine on the part that the claw is attached to to move it.
  9. You could just hyper edit the asteroids from the mod you were talking about into space wherever you want. You can change their orbits too.
  10. Thanks! I will try that out. Since you are having problems with collision, What if you make your tracks not completly solid? This may be a crazy idea (may not even be possable).What if when your train starts turning, instead of it pushing against the track, it "sinks" into the track. The train would start going into the track, however, the track will be pushing it back out. This would mean the track isnt completly solid, but almost solid. The farther you go into the track, the harder the track pushes your train. I dont know if this is completely out of the realm of possablilities, but its just an idea.
  11. I changed the number but nothing happens. is there a cap to the visibility or am i doing something wrong?
  12. This is going to be cool! One question though. How are you going to increase the render distance for people to see your track from far away? (or from space?) I am working with kerbtown too and I need to increase the render distance so you can see my creation from far away. Do you know how?
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