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Derpy Pigs

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Everything posted by Derpy Pigs

  1. HOW TO MAKE MOVING PARTS WITH SOLAR PANELS It's really easy. In this example, I make a probe that lifts itself off the ground. You just angle the solar panels at the surface you want to push yourself away from (the ground, in this case). Just to prove it works, here's a picture of it deployed: Hope this helps you make some pretty cool contraptions!
  2. I use the shielded docking ports. Just put them on stuts and spam them. It takes a bit of patience to get it to look perfect, though.
  3. I have landed two parts of my Munar Base; the radio tower / temp. housing module and the rover. Warning! High-res picture!
  4. Have you ever wanted to put your SAS and ASAS modules in your fuel tanks? Like this? Well then keep reading! This tutorial is a bit tricky at first, but after you've done it a few times it is quite easy. You need to have your boosters set up with symmetry. So, the first step is put your boosters (without engines, only fuel) on your rocket. Now, the second step is to put your SAS/ASAS module in your fuel tank (With symmetry turned off), like this: And there you go! "What! How do I put on engines! You scandalous gibbon, you tricked me!" Ok, Ok, I'll show you the rest. Now, since you have fuel tanks with symmetry and one has an SAS module on it, turn symmetry back on and put your engine under one of the fuel tanks that doesn't have the SAS module, like this: (The engine in the middle is unrelated) And then you will have this: Now is the important step. Take off the engine under the SAS module. That's the one with the stripe on the bottom. You should be back to where you started. Now, turn symmetry back off and put SAS modules under all of the fuel tanks, so it looks like this: And pick up your engine, and put it on the under your first SAS module. There you have it! Fuel tanks with SAS units and engines under them!
  5. Currently in a 300km orbit above Kerbin, aboard my Space Shuttle.
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