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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. As a test I launched an entire inner system worth of satellites one at a time (6 for Kerbin, 3 for Mun, 3 for Minmus, 3 for Deep Space end points - so 15 separate launches, each with a unique name) and never got the exploding ship bug. Then I sent up a single ship with 6 satellites on it to Dres. Before I had the 6th one in orbit I'd corrupted the save to the point where it wouldn't load. I think RT2 may have a problem with how the names change when you split ships into multiple satellites while they are connected into the network.
  2. If it's the zooming issue, it's either RT2 or base KSP, as I've been seeing it when RT2 is the only mod installed on a fresh installation/new sandbox save.
  3. Oh yeah, that happened once, too. I was just connecting the third Munar comsat to my third Kerbin one and *poof* the scene from Gravity as I suddenly had about 10,000 tiny parts where my 45 part satellite used to be.
  4. I'm not sure if it's Remote Tech or Stock KSP 0.23, but I've stripped everything else away and I'm having real problems setting up a network. The symptoms I'm seeing are: * The connection lines sort of freezing and dropping their z-axis dramatically on occasion (switching to a different ship will fix this) * When switching to a ship the camera doesn't zoom to the ship (switching to the map view and back will fix this) * When switching to a ship occasionally I'll warp inside a planet or something. From this point nothing but alt-F4 will reset things. I typically can't even get back to flight control. When I was using a full suite of mods, I could set up my 3-satellite Kerbin network fine, but would usually start running into problems when I started setting up a similar network around the Mun. It strikes me as being tied to the ship switching, which is something I have to do quite often when setting up the network
  5. Something like this, only more automated, since I just spent 30 minutes putting it together https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkoMiZDqCijMdGNyYTBSSFVacWNWMnB6SjNrSmtkbEE&usp=sharing
  6. I was just thinking of this exact thing and came here searching for it. The difference between what you're suggesting and tools like the Launch Window Planner and Alarm Clock are the targets of opportunity. A Launch Calendar would (in my mind) tell you: this week is a good week to go to Jool, but next week is a good week to go to Duna. As it is I spend time building a rocket to go to Jool, then wait 180 days on the launch pad waiting for the orbits to align. I'm probably missing opportunities to go other places in between. Given that the orbits start out at the same place every restart, this could be kept outside the game, like the Launch Window Planner.
  7. So I'm redo-ing the Two is Bigger than One missions. There's a weird bug in the second mission where after I dock the two ships, I can't fast-forward time to complete the 2 minute requirement. If I accelerate time, the clock resets to 2 minutes.
  8. I was playing one of the early versions of Story Missions with RT2 and all of sudden the probe missions were CRAZY out of budget. Because you needed MASSIVE amounts of energy compared to stock. And getting 4 or 5 geo-stationary satellites to stop converging on each other is _really_ difficult :-)
  9. My solution for this was another mod: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-18-1-kerbal-engineer-redux-v0-5/ The nice thing about Engineer is that you can stick the part on during build and remove it before liftoff if you don't want the expense/information it provides, or put the flight engineer on there and you've got much better information about orbits and surface heights than the stock interface provides. You could go MechJeb if you wanted, as well, but then I'm tempted to make use of the automated stuff. Agree with this. Maybe some sort of optional science budget addition? X for the rocket and Y additional for science projects.
  10. I have a suggestion for the initial "Two is bigger than one" missions: Require parachutes. Because I am dumb. Not being able to revert or go back meant I had to make a third mission to go rescue Jeb and Bill. And because the first and second ships were unable to de-orbit safely, I got stuck in the mission progression. Had to edit my save file to set myself back to the first mission in the series. I guess the larger issue is what happens if you mess up an early mission that a later mission depends on. How can you reset? But yeah, I'm dumb and never realized the goal was to bring them back :-)
  11. Ah, maybe I was hitting the bug you mention. Or maybe I'd just been playing for too long yesterday. :-) Thanks for the reply, and the mod!
  12. Just updated to the latest version after playing around with version 5.1 for awhile. Is it expected that "revert to launch" or "revert to vehicle assembly" after a launch attempt will still make you use lose money from the budget? Not sure I like that, especially in easy mode. It really punishes experimentation.
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