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Everything posted by SlickyNick

  1. I figured it out. I feel ashamed now for not knowing how this works... Wasn't that complicated at all. I just imitated what's written in TweakScale .cfg in Karbonite folder. Edit: My god I'm starting to regret installing this mod. So many parts needs this mod.... I'll have to spend the little free time I've on making configs...
  2. Can someone post a way to make this work on Karbonite Detection Array? Couldn't get it work with my very limited knowledge..
  3. Alriight finally figured out what was causing the problem. I've multiple Module Manager ddls and cleaning up the older ones solved the problem.
  4. No, Real fuels isn't installed. Shouldn't this work without any mods installed?
  5. I've an issue with tanks. For some reason fuel tanks don't contain any fuel and cost is 0. Any idea what could be the issue? Possible conflict with some other mod?
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