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    Curious George
  1. As a new player, having found KSP last week after 0.22 came out, I've spent perhaps 4 hours total on the game. At this early stage of development there's a lot of "what am I supposed to do now?" I did the first few tutorials which were cool, they showed me how to build a rocket, launch it, orbit and land. (Have'nt done any further tutorials yet), but my career mode consists of "huh? what am I supposed to do?" so I just attempt to make a rocket that I can put into orbit, which I finally did last night. OK, so now what? probably I'll try and get into Mun orbit. It's fun making tons of mistakes and figuring out what works, but I really don't have much idea about what are the sorts of things I should be trying to make missions for. I hope there's something further down the development pipeline that will have a list of suggested missions that start out easy and gradually progress to all kinds of funky things.
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