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    Curious George
  1. That is very counter intuitive. The idea that the early space program would take oversized parts and run them partially full doesn't seem realistic and with historical missions I expected something more true to the nature of starting small and building big. Its especially strange because the flea booster exists which is smaller and could take you to 5k altitude. Anyway, thanks for the help. I just assumed it was bugged and didnt even think of removing fuel.
  2. I am trying to complete the dawn of the space age mission and the first rocket I need to build has a maximum mass of 3.3T but the only available motor is the RT-10 weighing in at 3.5T. I know the latest update replaced a bunch of stock parts. Is this a remnant of a bad upgrade or is the mission bugged? I am running from a steam installation.
  3. Are you able to use multiple controllers at once with this? I have a hotas setup and am planning on building a switch panel but it uses its own input controller. Will I have to add joysticks and throttles to my switch panel or can I use both inputs at the same time with this mod? Thanks for your help.
  4. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but this doesn't add any parts right? I am trying to make some missions that stock players can replicate and I don't want to accidentally use a non stock part because I can't recognize it lol.
  5. Thats the problem. This is a clean install. Literally wiped the entire install location, installed ksp then ran ckan to install realism. Hadnt even played more than a few minutes before this happened. It also seems to freeze while loading 30% of the time and I have to shut the game down and reopen it. Then it loads fine. Any help would be appreciated. Only other thing i installed were the procedural mods (also ckan) and when prompted I chose the 4k dds rss.
  6. Sorry if this has been asked already, but I couldn't find the answer searching the thread. For some reason I can't launch manned craft. When I click launch, it takes me to the launch pad and all the staging is missing from the side and hitting space or even manually right clicking and activating engines does nothing. It seems if I use launch stability enhancers I can get the engines to activate by activating the engine, then releasing the clamp. As soon as the craft starts to fall the engines start firing but all the staging groups into one stage.
  7. Hello, first post on the forums! I wanted to suggest adding a dialog to review collected data after the fact, to see which pieces of data you have and have not collected (to prevent repeat missions). I think another tab in the research center with a list of all the collected data might be a good way to do it. I also noticed that you can get all sorts of information from the tracking station that you would not know before experimentation, like atmospheric stats (using the little "i" button once a planet is selected). I think it would be cool if those things had question marks on them in the tracking station until you collected the data. This would act as another mechanism to see what new data you need to gather. Perhaps the information screens could come up bigger with a picture, the description, and all the stats (with the unknown ones missing until data collected). Anyway, thats it. I think this would be a cool addition to polish (thats polish like shine, not polish like nationality) the experience, especially for newer players who may not fully understand what options they even have available to them.
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