Science is fun, and at the moment it lets you unlock parts. . . but not much else. What would be better is if we not only get science points, but actual useful information which we can use to help us with missions. What if there was scientific data that could be displayed in map view to help you out? For this a number of mapping modules would be needed, and with them long term mapping missions would be performed. Biome mapper - Detects the biome which it is flying over. Height mapper - Detects surface elevation (detect mountains and valleys, and show areas of consistent elevation) Visual (camera) - Allows for more detailed map views (see below) This info would be overlayed on the map view of any planets you have mapped. Greater detail is gained from lower orbits, but higher orbits allow for mapping larger areas at a time. Additionally the old science devices could add their data to the map, showing heat in areas that you have measured it in, and showing some visual representation of pressure/gravitational data to assist with aerobreaking, orbiting, and landings. Higher tier science equipment may be able to do the work of the old gear from orbit. This data would then be put to use by other missions. Height maps would tell me where good landing sites can be found (or good launch sites in some cases), while biome maps will let me know what areas I should go to to get more science. Gravitational data lets me know what altitude is needed for high, low, and synchronous orbits, while pressure data will allow for aerobreaking maneuvers and chute performance. Furthermore this gives us reasons to perform long term missions, where leaving a probe in orbit for months is actually a useful thing to do - as it means better mapping data. Though none of the data can be used until it is either transmitted home, or the vessel is recovered. A satellite with sufficient battery and solar power should be able to stream data continuously (though not all the data it collects would make it home, so more passes would be required to fully map a planet). Further possible changes: Surface detail of unmapped planets may not be seen in the map view/observation station. Instead only colored spheres, with more detail filling in when Kerbals or cameras are in orbit, and only permanently if camera data is transmitted home. Space telescopes may also be possible, to enhance the detail without being in orbit. Further it may not be possible for the tracking station to track bodies outside the Kerbin system (Kerbin, Mun, Minmus) without the aid of telescopes/orbital tracking systems. Thus establishing satellites would be required before interplanetary flights would be viable (you could break orbit, but it would be a shot in the dark, though in theory you could run into another planet by chance).