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Everything posted by Cupojoepro

  1. I will be streaming KSP for roughly 45 minutes right now! http://www.twitch.tv/cupojoepro
  2. I will be donating $1 for every 10 followers my Twitch channel receives (up to 100 followers) to Child's Play Charity. Child's Play Charity is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with toys and games in our network of over 70 hospitals worldwide. Source: http://www.childsplaycharity.org/about About my stream: I am currently streaming KSP on weekends and on weekdays as much as possible. You can find more info in my signature. I also play games such as Rust and Beamng Drive (although I mainly stream KSP). My twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/cupojoepro
  3. Hey Kerbonaughts! I have been streaming KSP for a while now but I can only manage to get 2 followers. I have gotten up to 6 viewers and my streams are pretty good quality. Any suggestions on how to improve a stream or how to get my name out there? I would take suggestions from streamers or viewers who would like to add their input on what they think makes a KSP stream good. I am under 18 so sadly I will not be joining the KSPTV team for another 3 years. My Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/cupojoepro btw: I also stream Rust and Beamng Drive, so any suggestions about that would be nice as well.
  4. Never been to Moho before so tune into my quick stream where I will get my mothership off Kerbin and to Moho.
  5. STREAMING VALL LANDING NOW! I will be using webcam and talking so please comment.
  6. STREAMING VALL LANDING NOW! Sorry will not be talking but please come and watch my landing! Do please follow because I will probably stream my mission getting home from Vall in the near future with webcam, talking, and music.
  7. You could just use the wiki , but I like the idea about having telescopes
  8. My successful Ike mission! Btw I did get this Kerbal home.
  9. I'd buy it if I didn't already own it.
  10. Current Mission: Dres Welcome KSP players! If you are looking for a no mod, all stock,and pure action (No VAB) stream than I hope that you will check out my Twitch channel: http://www.twitch.tv/cupojoepro . You can find more info on the channel page. My goal in KSP is to land on every Moon and Planet (and get home) in the game. I call this "Quest" Eeloo or Bust because Eeloo is the farthest planet out (most of the time ) The planets/moons I have landed on:
  11. LOL, my bad, well either way it's good . BTW how do you delete Threads?
  12. (NO LONGER STREAMING btw did land on Dike successfully) Follow Anyway ----> http://www.twitch.tv/cupojoepro attempting a Dike landing, please tune in and leave a comment or two. I am having a lot of trouble getting viewers.
  13. Scott Manley did it with the starter parts (to Minmus anyway but you could probably get to the Mun as well).
  14. My goal is KSP is called to land on every planet and moon and get back with at least 1 Kerbal. I call the challenge "Eeloo or Bust" because Eeloo is the farthest planet out (most of the time). I stream my launches on Twitch every so often at: http://www.twitch.tv/cupojoepro . Today I landed a probe on Dres to test the gravity because my next mission will be to get a Kerbal on the surface and back of Dres (pretty much a Mun mission if the Mun was 100000x farther away.)
  15. I usually launch my mothership with my landers because I suck as docking. So they are most of the time left in orbit around the planet or moon I brought them to.
  16. Before I knew the unimaginably huge gravity of Eve I got a Kerbal there with more than enough fuel to get home from a planet Duna's size. I didn't even have enough thrust to get off the surface. After watching Scott Manley go to Eve so many times it looked so easy. So I just guessed it had about the same gravity as Duna. Oh ya and Johndon is stuck on the surface because I didn't add ladders.
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