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Everything posted by Tyghter

  1. Yeah, something is definitely messed up with the 4.2.2 download. WinRAR spits out an error when trying to unzip it: I'm still able to extract the contents but am concerned that it may not include everything that it should. I'd recommend avoiding this version until we can get a repacked zip.
  2. Found a temporary workaround. This problem is mainly due to my dependence on weird resolutions that fit within the viewable area of my TV which is so crappy that uneven parts of it are cut off by plastic on the sides. A lot of modern TVs have built-in resizing that can fix the issue but, again, my TV is too crappy to have that feature. As an adequate workaround for anyone else with this problem, I recommend trying resolution 1228x690 which fits properly and leaves just the smallest sliver of the research button to click.
  3. I understand that I can't expect developers to cater to the needs of people manually editing their .cfg's, but I have a custom resolution that I'm rather fond of which is fairly unusable in career mode due to the research button being off screen. I had hoped that maybe I could select research options and hit [Enter] as a simple way around this but even more surprisingly, doing so immediately dumps me back to the opening screen of the game (perhaps I should file a separate bug report about that but I honestly don't care if it's fixed since not hitting [Enter] on the research screen is easier). I've confirmed this behavior on .22 with no mods installed. I'd hoped I might be able to made a mod to fix the research GUI issue but based on what I've read on what is and isn't possible with mods, this isn't. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
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