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Everything posted by Hubble

  1. Hello all, Just some thoughts while having fun with the new features of 0.22. Perhaps an interesting expansion to the tech tree and science 0.22 introduces would be a way to perform observational astronomy from the ground and space. In real space programs, space telescopes for astronomical and earth observation are very important science gatherers. Telescopes (on both the ground and in space) could be used to make initial surveys of other planets from afar and collect initial data before committing a mission. Additionally, telescopes could be used to find ever prevalent yet difficult to find asteroids (should these be introduced to the game) that could be potential mission objectives to collect science. I like the idea of a "fog of war" type mechanic where you must collect data from afar about a planet/moon/asteroid you want to visit before you can go there. A mechanic of individual discovery would definitely be satisfying in terms of game experience. Finding something unexpected, such as an asteroid or comet whose orbit (refined through several observations) will take it near Kerbin at some point in the future, and following up with a self planned mission to land on the surface would pose a serious challenge with serious reward. Let me know of your thoughts! Hubble
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