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Everything posted by HoustonWeHaveAProblem

  1. Congratulations! I was so happy when I got it right I told all my friends for about a week. I even took photos of the screen and What'sApped it to everyone I know.
  2. Tragedy struck today when Chief Astronaut, Jebediah Kerman, was killed by lack of oxygen aboard the ill-fated Celestial Orbiter as he attempted to bring his craft back into Kerbin orbit after an excursion to Duna. The 481-day mission met with disaster after Chief Engineer HoustonWeHaveAProblem miscalculated the young kerbonaut's life support requirements. "My slide rule was warped," he was heard mumbling as police escorted him into custody from mission control in a leafy suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. "Poor Jeb, poor Jeb," he continued repeating from his cell at Leeuwkop Prison, a maximum security facility near the world famous Lippizzaner performing horse troupe. Jebediah Kerman is survived by his extensive family, including Bob, Bill, Whoosh, Buzz, Pop, Bang, I'mJustAYoungMan, Splatter, SmokingCrater, the twins C-Stoff and T-Stoff and sister Mary. "We shall continue in our endeavours to perform scientific research at, near and on the many celestial bodies in our solar system," said chief KSP scientist, HoustonWeHaveAProblem II, "but we will observe 10 minutes of silence in memory of our brave Jebediah Kerman, who selflessly sacrificed himself so that we may one day enjoy a brighter future. May he forever orbit the Sun in peace."
  3. I've made quite a few rovers, even one with 32 wheels on it. It was an enormous mobile Kethane drilling rig that rolled from one patch of Kethane to the next. Needed all the wheels to handle the huge fuel tank and drills, converters and power units. The salient points are those above - flat, long and wide is always good - RCS to keep it planted - RCS to power up steep slopes or just fly up them - drive in docking mode with skinny wheel SAS units - lights, good lights, or you'll be doing Evil Knievel across some huge craters and canyons and come down in flames (I built scaffold rigs with lights at the top to get a good forward view) - Place heavier items down low to keep your centre of gravity down low - I even tried crash proofing rovers - place scaffold with struts in strategic locations so if you do flip the thing or jump a canyon by mistake they take the brunt and the main bits stay intact. And then you need RCS to right yourself. But that's just cause I like to race things.
  4. I agree with the OP! Great ideas and good summary of the issues as they stand. Also loving 0.22 with every whatsit of my doomahickeys - and stuff.
  5. I can't wait to get this feature. The science points are a great new addition but there are issues with the way they're handled so you can sit and resend data from one spot without returning your kerbals. Also, there are no specific science missions - I had to figure out that different locations reward additional points but there is no way to look at the map and see the different locations or chart whether or not you've been there other than planting a flag. (Sorry for probe landers). Specific commercial missions will be great - really looking forward to them.
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