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Everything posted by njd

  1. I'm guessing they turn #BADAFF
  2. I bought KSP for about $12 back around 0.21 when it was far less of a game than it is now and yet already massively playable. Considering how much has been added since, I find it really hard to think of it as "unfinished". But okay, so there's more to add; I still don't see what's wrong with Squad extending it to other platforms, even if commercialism is the only reason.
  3. Yeah. I think of it not as braking but burning retrograde. And every time I come to a roundabout (US: traffic circle?) I'm thinking of SOI and escape velocity and wondering whether I could use a maneuver node.
  4. I once had an orbiter get rear-ended by the ascent stage I'd just jettisoned because its engine was still running on the last dregs of fuel. I burned the orbiter's engine for a few seconds, then shut down and let it drift high around Kerbin. Next thing, the spent FL-T800 came into view and rammed it. Everything exploded. It was spectacular and hilarious.
  5. Silent Running. Just one guy, alone in space, tending a space-bound forest which represents the last examples of life on Earth. His only company is a pair of little maintenance robots. To some it's a preachy ecowarrior movie; but it's also slow, quiet and contemplative.
  6. Growing up in the 1970s at the tail end of the Apollo program, with Pioneer, Viking and Voyager missions. Then just when I was old enough to get really excited by what we were able to do in space, along came the space shuttle. Also: Star Wars (1977). And at some point, I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. Then Silent Running. And Dark Star.
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